Blog Party #18 Black and White


This month Stephanie invites to a Black and White Party. I put on my „salt & pepper“ suit and take the plane to Tennessee. In my luggage:

Black and White Shake

Black and White Shake 002 Mix together 140 ml milk at 0°C to 2 °C, 1 tbsp cocoa, 1 tsp sugar with two ice cubes and strain into a glass. For the white layer whisk 120 ml milk 0°C to 2 °C and 20 ml vanilla sirup with a milk frother until frothy and layer carefully with a spoon on the cocoa milk. Enjoy!

And living in the country with the blackest bread with no coloring agents in the world, I bring along:

Black and White Slices

Thickly spread a German pumpernickel round with a herby cream cheese and cover with another pumpernickel round. Black and white slices 002

I hope I’ll pass the customs without any trouble. See you all on Saturday.

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