Archiv der Kategorie: WHB – Weekend Herb Blogging

WHB #147: Courgette & herb risotto

The 147th edition of Weekend Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 ** is hosted by Katie from Thyme for Cooking.

A herb risotto won’t work without herbs in this case parsley and chive. Regular readers of my blog know that my favourite herb is parsley. I used it in many dishes for Weekend Herb Blogging, more often than chives. Chive is a relative to onions and garlic and grows practically everywhere in Europe. It’s easy to grow: I planted out the harvested pots from the window sill anywhere in the garden and now I have lots of chive spots. In German it’s Schnittlauch from the verbal stem schneid- “cut”, because, unlike its subterranean relatives onion and garlic, chives are harvested by cutting the leaves. In contrast to their relatives chives give a light, fresh hint of onion to whatever they garnish and are as well an important element in any garden.

Courgette & herb risotto

Courgette & herb risotto

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Courgette & herb risotto
Categories: Vegetarian
Yield: 4 Servings


50 grams   Butter
4     Courgettes , sliced into thin strips lengthways
      Olive oil
3     Shallots or 1 onion, finely chopped
2     Garlic cloves , finely chopped
400 grams   Risotto rice
150 ml   Dry white wine
      Hot chicken stock , keep it simmering in a pan
      Chives and flat-leaf parsley, 1 bunch of each,
      — chopped
25 grams   Parmesan , grated



  olive magazine, July 2005
  Edited *RK* 07/19/2008 by
  Ulrike Westphal


1. Heat a large frying pan. Add a third of the butter. When it’s foaming add the courgettes. Fry for a few minutes each side until golden. Drain off any excess fat and keep warm.

2. Heat a large heavy-based saucepan and add 1 tbsp oil and another third of butter. Heat until it is foaming, then add the shallots and cook for 5 minutes or until beginning to soften. Add the garlic, then stir in the rice and heat through for a minute until it is completely coated and shiny. Pour in the wine and bubble, stirring until it evaporates. Reduce heat to medium and add the stock a ladleful at a time, allowing the liquid to be absorbed into the rice before adding more. This process will take up to 20 minutes.

3. When the rice feels soft but still has a little bite and the texture is creamy the risotto is ready. Take the risotto off the heat and stir in the herbs, Parmesan and remaining butter. Season. Spoon the courgettes on top. eave a comment or rate this recipe

:Ready in 40 mins


Don’t miss Kates round-up on Monday. And for September 1 – September 7 27.04.2021 ** I have the honour to host Weekend Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 **.

more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021; no longer available

WHB #133: Hot corncakes with avocado, bacon & basil

The 133rd edition of Weekend Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 ** is hosted by Gay from A Scientist in the Kitchen 10.04.2024 **.

My perennial herbs are growing well, but my seeded basil doesn’t grow fast in the hanging-basket. It shows only a bit more than the two seed leaves. I love basil and I have already submitted at least 4 recipes for Weekend Herb Blogging: Basil Bread, Courgette fritters with tomato and mozzarella, Gratin of white cabbage & lentils in a Provençal sauce and a Basil Rhubarb Compote. For the

Hot corncakes with avocado, bacon & basil

Hot corncakes with avocado, bacon & basil

I had to buy a bunch. We all liked it for lunch and it is easy to prepare.

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Hot corncakes with avocado, bacon & basil
Categories: Corn
Yield: 4 Servings


2 tablesp.   Olive oil
1     Red pepper, diced
1     Fresh red or green chilli, deseeded and
50 grams   2 oz self-raising flour 1 egg, beaten 3 tbsp milk
2 x   330 g cans sweetcorn niblets, drained handful
      — basil leaves, chopped, plus extra
      To serve
8     Rashers streaky or back bacon
      Juice 1/2 lemon
1     Or 2 avocados, peeled, stoned and sliced


  Good Food Magazine, June 2008, p.40
  Edited *RK* 05/15/2008 by
  Ulrike Westphal


Corncakes like these are classic brunch food in Australia. They’re also delicious made with shredded chicken and lots of coriander.

1. Heat grill to high. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a large , non-stick frying pan and sizzle the pepper for 5 mans until softened, adding the chilli for the final min. Remove pepper from pan.Put the flour into a large bowl, make a well, then stir in the egg and then the milk to make a batter. Stir in the corn and chopped basil, then season well. Add more oil if you need to, then drop tbsps of the batter into the pan. Cook for 2 mins until risen and golden underneath, then cook for 1 min more. You’ll need to do these in batches, making 12 in total. Keep warm.

2. Meanwhile, grill the bacon and mix the lemon juice and remaining oil together with seasoning. Serve 3 cakes each, topped with the avocado, bacon, a scattering of basil leaves and a drizzle of the dressing.

:PER SERVING 420 kcalories, protein 16g, carbohydrate 49g, fat 19g, saturated fat 4g, fibre 4g, sugar 16g, salt 2.49g
:PREP 10 mins
:COOK 10 mins


more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021; no longer available
** 10.04.2024 available in Web archive

WHB #132: Olive Spread

The 132nd edition of Weekend Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 ** is hosted by Laurie from Mediterranean Cooking in Alaska.

My herb garden is doing well until now. Thanks to tons of snail granules my tarragon isn’t gone and is still growing between the Mediterranean herbs, rosemary, thyme and majoram.


I used thyme and rosemary to made a Provençal dish: Tapenade. Enjoy the spread on a fresh baked bread on a sunny day on the terrace like us.

Olive Spread

Olive Spread- Olive Paste

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Olive Spread – Olive paste
Categories: Spread
Yield: 200 G


50 grams   Anchovies in oil
50 grams   Capers
1 small   Sprig thyme
1 small   Sprig rosemary
1 clove   Garlic, minced
100 grams   Black olives, pitted
2-3 tablesp.   Olive oil


  Kreativküche 5/2008
  Edited *RK* 05/08/2008 by
  Ulrike Westphal


1 . Rinse with anchovies and capers in a with hot waterand drain. Tear off the leaves from thyme and rosemary.

2. In a food processor mix olives, anchovies, capers, garlic und herbs to a smooth paste. Season with pepper and add olive oil by tablespoons.

In a jar covered with olive oil the paste can be stored in the fridge up to 4 weeks.


more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021; no longer available