WHB#24: Chervil potatoe soup

Kerbelsuppe 006Chervil is one ingredient of the famous “Frankfurter grüne Soße” or German grüne Soße” It is also called pot herb, because it’s mostly used in chervil soup, which man prefer more than woman. The chervil is related to parsley, but the taste goes more to fennel and anise. In the UK the chervil got the title “french parsley” and it is said, that in US it is also called “gourmet’s parsley”. Anyway, I am a woman and I like chervil so Iprepared a tasty, healthy and low calorie

Chervil potatoe soup

Chervil potatoe soup 003

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.1

Title: Chervil potatoe soup
Categories: Soup, WW
Yield: 1 Person

1 teasp. Vegetable fat
1 Onion
125 ml Milk, 1,5 % fat
250 ml Vegetable stock
3 Carrots
3 medium Potatoes
4 teasp. Chervil, coarsely chopped
Salt, pepper

============================== SOURCE ==============================
*Das neue große Weight Watchers Kochbuch
ISBN 3-4531-7959-5

— Edited *RK* 03/17/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Cut potatoes and onion into dices. Heat vegetable fat in a
saucepan and add potatoes and onion. Heat over low heat until the
onions soften, add the vegetable stock, cover and boil for about 10

2. Cut carrots in small strips, add with milk to the soup and cook
for further 5 minutes. With a slotted spoon remove half of the soup,
mash and give back. Season to taste with salt and pepper, add
chopped chervil and serve.

:preparation: ca. 10 minutes
:cook: ca. 15 minutes


*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon

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