Blogger postcards from the world

Meeta started the Blogger Postcards From The World event. I hesitated to participate because we are on holiday. Meeta bet on modern technology. She tried to send me twice a short message via mobile phone, but here in the mountains of Wales is no mobile reception. But I found a cyber cafe, got the adress and sent a handwritten postcard via snailmail from a running and sheeps cheese producing farm with 3 days delay.

Blogger postcards from the world

I played safe: The letterbox was emptied on Friday, 4th of August.


1 thoughts on “Blogger postcards from the world

  1. Stella (

    I received the lovely Welsh postcard earlier this week! Thank you so much! It was the only piece of „real“ mail I received that day amid all the bills and take out menus!
    i will be posting a photo of it today!
    best, Stella


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