Scrambled eggs with wild garlic

Ulrike alone at home, not really alone but with a nasty virus. Following the slogan

Starve the fever, feed the cold

I needed something to eat. I didn’t want to leave home, so I prepared

Scrambled eggs with wild garlic

Scrambled eggs with wild garlic-1

Wild garlic grows well in our garden, and all other ingredients were also at hand.

Scrambled eggs with wild garlic

Yield: 1 serving

Scrambled Eggs with Wild Garlic

The perfect indulgent breakfast or easy lunch.


  • 2 eggs, organic
  • salt
  • black pepper, freshly ground
  • 20 grams butter
  • 1 whole spelt roll; Hugh uses toast
  • 1/2 tbsp wild garlic leaves, finely chopped
  • more butter, for spreading


modified from inspired by:
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall in the Guardian


  1. Break the eggs into a bowl with a good pinch of salt and a twist or two of pepper, then whisk with a fork. Place a small, nonstick saucepan on a low heat and melt half the butter. When it starts to bubble, pour in the eggy mixture and start stirring. Half the roll. As the egg mixture gets hotter, it will thicken into soft lumps. When you get close to the texture you like, switch off heat and stir in remaining butter and garlic leaves. Butter the roll and spoon/pour the eggs over. Serve at once.

total time: 30 minutes
preparation time: 15 minutes
cooking/baking time: 5 minutes


more recipes with wild garlic: (click)

Photo Credit: I ♥ Cooking Clubs
For all other great Eggs! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site

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