WHB #79: Dandelion Honey

This week Sher of What Did You Eat is the host of the weekly Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 ** event. Stop back on Monday for the recap. This week I am featuring dandelion. In my garden I call dandelion a weed, but they are beautiful flowers in my neighbour’s garden, as long they don’t spread to mine.

Löwenzahn - dandelion

Although the dandelion is considered a weed by many gardeners and lawn owners, the plant does have several culinary and medicinal uses. The young inner leaves can be eaten cooked or raw in various forms, such as in soup or salads. The leaves are high in vitamin A, vitamin C and iron. Dandelion flowers can be used to make dandelion wine, jelly or “honey” . Ground roasted dandelion root can be used as a coffee substitute. Drunk before meals, it is believed to stimulate digestive functions.

Löwenzahn - dandelion

To prevent that too many blossoms get “Pusteblumen – blowflowers”, dandelion clocks and send their seeds to anywhere, I picked some to make the honey.

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4 Button German
Title: Dandelion Honey
Categories: Jelly
Yield: 150 Ml

Dandelion Honey - Löwenzahnhonig


100 grams   Dandelion blossoms
500 ml   Water
1/2     Lemon, grated peel
1 tablesp.   Lemon juice
250 grams   Sugar


  Betty Bossi

  Edited *RK* 04/21/2007 by
  Ulrike Westphal


1. Pick the dandelions in full sunshine. Shake the blossoms and ull off all the dandelion petals (result in about 50 grams), leave out the green sepals, they taste bitter.

2. Bring water with grated lemon peel and petals to a boil and simmer for about 7 minutes. Cover and let the mixture sit by the side.

3. Strain to separate the petals from the juice (results in 300 ml). Return the juice to the pot

4. Add lemon juice and sugar and bring to a simmer. Constantly stirring (prevents overboiling) simmer until the colour turns to amber and sirupy consistency. The honey is ready if a drop jells immediately on a cold plate.


more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021 https://kalynskitchen.com/whos-hosting-weekend-herb-blogging/; ttps://kalynskitchen.com/weekend-herb-blogging-i-dont-have-dog/ no longer available

8 thoughts on “WHB #79: Dandelion Honey

  1. sher (Gast)

    Dandelion greens are now sold in my grocery store. They are delicious and good for you–but I always have a hard time not thinking of them as weeds! :):) The honey looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing that with us.

  2. kalyn (Gast)

    Even though they look pretty and the honey sounds delicious, right now I feel like I am getting far too many of these in my lawn. It’s because a house near me doesn’t take care of their yard and the little dandelion seeds blow over on to my lawn. Maybe I will pick some leaves a make a salad.

  3. katie (Gast)

    My mother made dandelion wine but I’ve never heard of dandelion honey. We don’t have enough here (thankfully) to do much with. In Andorra there were fields full – and full of people picking the leaves for salads!

  4. Anna (Gast)

    what kind of flavour do the flowers give the honey? i’m very curious as i’ve never eaten the flowers before and i’ve only had the leaves in a salad.

  5. Karen Strom (Gast)

    Remembering the fragrance
    I was a child in Switzerland, 1936-1942. I am now 74. I have always remembered the dandelion honey our good friend, Marie, made who worked for us. I think about it every spring when my yard is full of dandelions. I had a revelation and decided to look on the internet for a recipe. Voila – many recipes for dandelion honey! When it was boiling down, I actually could recognize the fragrance from when I was 5 years old! It is delicious. The batch I made is quite dark and rich. I remember ours as being very light and almost clear. How do you get it like that? I don’t think Marie cooked it for very long.


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