Bread Baking Buddy: SÛKERBÔLLE – Suikerbrood – Frisian sugerbread – Zuckerbrot

BBB Logo September
Bread Baking Babes‘ Kitchen of the month is located in the Netherlands. Monique from Living on Bread and Water chose an ancient recipe for Sûkerbôlle, a Frisian sugarbread. The recipe calls for sugar grains/lumps and ginger syrup. The latter was easy to get but the largest sugar grains I can get in Germany is hailstone sized Hagelzucker. Of course we have lump-sugar, which I don’t use, but the decorating sugar I have always at hand.


This sugar doesn’t give these big holes in the crumb, but it looks nice on the bread.

SÛKERBÔLLE – Suikerbrood – Frisian sugerbread – Zuckerbrot

Zuckerbrot 001

In Schleswig-Holstein, where I live, we have also a Frisian part: Nordfriesland or North Frisia. And of course we have those beautiful black and white cows, the Holstein-Friesian. We don’t have any cows in our backyard like Tanna**, but I was able to take a picture with cows ;-) …

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… no chance for them to move. The children were fond of this bread and asked for more, so I have to bake it soon again.

The recipe can be found over at Monique, fortunately it comes in metric units. I had to extend the baking time to approximately 50 minutes, because after 30 minutes the internal temperature was only 60 °C. I baked until the internal temperature reached 90 °C with the thermometer in the bread.

** December 2017:…Second_Helping_/My_Kitchen_in_Half_Cups…Second_Helping/Entries/2008/9/29_Entry_1.html now defunct

4 thoughts on “Bread Baking Buddy: SÛKERBÔLLE – Suikerbrood – Frisian sugerbread – Zuckerbrot

  1. Judy (Gast)

    This bread is really delicious. I didn’t have lumps of sugar, either, so I bought sugar cubes and pounded them with a mallet. Since I have so much sugar left over, I will have to make this again!


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