I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours #2: My spice shelf/drawer

This time Cate at Sweetnicks wants to now whether foodbloggers have a spice rack, shelf or closet. I have no spice shelf but a closet and a drawer full of spices. This was a good occasion to check the best before date. But everything was still in order.

My spice shelf/drawer 003

Top shelf:

cardamom curry coriander caraway seed cumin seed black cumin
gingerbread spice marjoram mace cloves pizza spices

Shelf in the middle

paprika sweet paprika hot white pepper Madras Curry tumeric pul biber
oregano brown mustard seed star anise thyme juniper cinnamon

bottom shelf

salt cinnamon sticks bruschetta verde saffron bruschetta rosso salt
garlic, dried herb salt mustard powder tomatoe-mozarella salt sweetener

Gewürzregal_Schublade 001

And in my drawer among aluminium foil, clingfilm and baking paper you’ll find bags of:

black pepper corns all-spice nutmegs Garam masala oregano
white pepper corns pul biber thyme curry Blue-white clover
all-spice sumac cinnamon bread spice bay leaves
cloves vanilla pods

more recipes and entries in English

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