Letz Relish: Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Cream

Every Friday at 11:30 pm there is a cooking show called “Lanz kocht!“ on German TV. I didn’t watch the show for a long time, but due to Twitter and a mailinglist I am always up-to-date. The first Friday in May they served a

Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Cream


which sounded very delicious. In the show they only served a strawberry ice cream, but I made it with rhubarb. A very tasty combination.

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Cream Button German
Categories: Dessert, Ice cream
Yield: 1 Container Unold 8875

Erdbeer-Rhabarbereis 002


200 grams   Strawberries, tops removed
3 stalks   Rhubarb, 150 g ready to cook
5 tablesp.   Sugar
200 grams   Créme fraîche
150 ml   Cream, 30 % Fett


  modified recipe:
  www.zdf.de, Lanz kocht 06.05.2011, Andreas C. Studer
  translated and
  Edited *RK* 05/15/2011 by
  Ulrike Westphal


Bring strawberries, rhubarb and sugar to a boil and steep for 10 minutes on low heat. Blitz and stir until cold. Mix with cream and crème fraîche, pour into the cooled container of the icecream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


This is my submission to Letz Relish… Ice Creams, an event hosted by Jay of Tasty Appetite.

Letz Relishh…Ice Creams Pages: 1 Button German 2 Button English