Romantic Valentine’s supper

Valentine cooking

Here is my share for Valentine cooking, for all who are in love. The

Romantic Valentine’s supper

• Lobster with celeriac rémoulade

• Honeyed duck with melting onions & red wine sauce

• Warm chocolate brownies with Baileys sauce

• Make the brownies, leave to cool, and store in an airtight container

• Make the celeriac rémoulade, coverand chill
• Make the mash and onions, see Get ahead
• Pick the lobster from the shell, chop and chill

• Arrange the starters on the plates,serve and eat
• Start cooking the duck breasts
• Reheat the mash and onions, see Get ahead
• Rest the cooked duck breasts and make the sauce
• Serve the main course
• Put the brownies in the oven to warm
• Take the ice cream out of the freezer and make the sauce for the dessert

===== Title Index (3 recipes) =====

Honeyed duck with melting onions & red wine sauce
Lobster with celeriac rémoulade
Warm chocolate brownies with Baileys sauce

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.02

Title: Honeyed duck with melting onions & red wine sauce
Categories: Main course, Valentine’s sup
Yield: 2 Servings

2 Small-medium duck breasts
3 sprigs Thyme, leaves only
2 tablesp. Clear honey
300 grams Floury potatoes, such as Maris Piper or King
— Edward, quartered, 10 oz
3 tablesp. Hot milk
100 ml Red wine 3 1/2 fl oz
250 ml Fresh chicken stock, 9 fl oz

========================== FOR THE ONIONS ==========================
25 grams Butter, 1 oz
1 tablesp. Olive oil
1 large Red onion, sliced into thin wedges
2 teasp. Light brown sugar
1 tablesp. Balsamic vinegar

============================== SOURCE ==============================
Good Food Magazine, February 2006
— Edited *RK* 01/26/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

This restaurant-style main course looks and tastes stunning.

1. For the onions: melt the butter and oil in a heavy-based pan, add
the onion with the sugar and vinegar, then cook over a low heat for
40 mins or until meltingly tender.

2. Heat oven to 200 °C/fan 180 °C/gas 6. Make three slashes across
the skin of each duck breast with a sharp knife and rub with a
little salt. Put the duck breasts, skin-side down, in a hot
heavybased ovenproof pan to brown and render the fat down for 5 mins
over a medium heat. Sprinkle over most of the thyme leaves, turn
over and transfer to the oven. After 5 mins, drizzle the honey over
the breasts, then cook for a further 5 mins for medium or 10 mins
for well done. Leave to rest for 5 mins.

3. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes in a pan of lightly salted water for
15 mins or until just tender. Drain, then mash, gradually beating in
the hot milk. Season well and keep warm.

4. To make the sauce, drain the excess fat from the roasting pan,
then put on the hob over a high heat. Add the red wine, scraping any
meaty bits from the bottom of the roasting pan. Pour in the stock,
let it bubble away until reduced by two-thirds, then season well.

5. To serve: spoon the mashed potato onto the centre of warmed
serving plates. Thinly slice the duck on a slight angle and arrange
on top, then pour over the sauce. Arrange the caramelised onions
around, scatter over remaining thyme leaves and serve immediately.

:PER SERVING 812 kcalories, protein 33g, carbohydrate 54g, fat 53g,
saturated fat 18g, fibre 3g, sugar 27g, salt 1.37g
:PREP 20 mins
:COOK 40 mins

:GET AHEAD Prepare the onions earlier in the day, then reheat in a
pan on the stove for 5-10 mins. Cook the potatoes earlier on, then
spoon into an ovenproof dish, cover with foil and reheat in the oven
for 10-15 mins until heated through, adding a little more milk if
they get dry.


-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.02

Title: Lobster with celeriac rémoulade
Categories: Starter, Valentine’s sup
Yield: 2 Servings

1/4 Lemon, juice
1/4 small Celeriac
2 tablesp. Mayonnaise
2 tablesp. Wholegrain mustard
2 tablesp. Double cream or crème fraîche
1 Cooked lobster, shell removed and
Flesh sliced
Watercress or rocket leaves, to serve

============================== SOURCE ==============================
Good Food Magazine, February 2006
— Edited *RK* 01/26/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

Start with something easy and glamorous. No fussing in the kitchen,
just buy a cooked lobster, make a celeriac rémoulade – a sort of
wintery French coleslaw – and toss together with some leaves to serve

1 Put the lemon juice in a large bowl. Use a sharp knife or veg
peeler to remove the thick skin from the celeriac. Thinly slice,
then cut each slice into matchsticks and toss in the lemon juice.
Mix in the mayonnaise, mustard and cream or crème fraîche, then
season. You can leave for a few hrs to soften and allow the flavour
to mellow, or eat straight away.

2 When ready to serve, stir any small bits of lobster through the
rémoulade. Then scatter the watercress or rocket over two plates,
spoon over the rémoulade and top with the larger lobster pieces.

:PER SERVING 306 kcalories, protein 23g, carbohydrate 3g, fat 23g,
saturated fat 7g, fibre 4g, sugar 3g, soft 1.73g
:PREP: 25 min


-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.02

Title: Warm chocolate brownies with Baileys sauce
Categories: Dessert, Valentine’s sup
Yield: 4 Easily doubled

100 grams Butter, cubed, 4 oz
100 grams Dark chocolate, broken into squares, 4 oz
2 Eggs
175 grams Caster sugar, 6 oz
25 grams Cocoa powder, 1 oz
50 grams Plain flour, 2 oz
25 grams White chocolate, chopped into chunks, 1 oz
25 grams Milk chocolate, chopped into chunks, 1 oz
Handful mini marshmallows
Large ones, quartered
Vanilla ice cream, to serve

=========================== FOR THE SAUCE ===========================
75 ml Baileys, 2 1/2 fl oz
50 Gwhite chocolate, broken into chunks, 2 oz

============================== SOURCE ==============================
Good Food Magazine, February 2006
— Edited *RK* 01/26/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

These heart-shaped puds can be made ahead and served with the very
best vanilla ice cream – good enough to melt anyone’s heart!

1. Heat oven to 180 °C/fan 160 °C/gas 4. Butter four individual
heart-shaped muffin tins (see Know-how, above). Put butter and dark
chocolate in a bowl over a pan of gently simmering water, making
sure the base of the bowl does not touch the water. Leave until
melted and smooth, stirring only once or twice. Allow to cool

2. Break the eggs into a large bowl and tip in the sugar. Whisk with
an electric mixer on maximum speed for about 5 mins until the
mixture is pale and has doubled in size. Pour in the cooled
chocolate mixture, then gently fold together making sure not to
knock out the air.

3. Now sift the cocoa powder and flour over so they cover the
mixture evenly, then gently fold them in. Stir in the chopped
chocolate and marshmallow chunks. Spoon the mixture into the muffin
tins, gently easing it into the corners, then lightly level it. Bake
for 15 mins or until firm to the touch. Remove from and allow to
cool in the tin. The two unused brownies can be stored in an
airtight in a cool, dry place for 3 days or frozen up to 1 month.

4. To make the sauce: pour the Bailey into a small pan, bring to the
boil, then take off the heat. Whisk in the white chocolate chunks
until they’ve melted.

5. Warm the brownies through in the oven 5 mins, then serve with ice
cream and the sauce drizzled over.
:PER SERVING 816 kcalories, protein 9g, carbohydrate saturated fat
23g, fibre 2g, sugar 85g, salt 0.659
:PREP 30 mins including cooling
:COOK 15 mins


more recipes from Vincent Klink at Küchenlatein
more recipes and entries in English

2 thoughts on “Romantic Valentine’s supper

  1. Dilek (Gast)

    Was für ein Menü! Da muss ich mich fast schämen, mein liebster wird am Valentinstag nicht so verwöhn :( t!?!
    Hätte ich jetzt auch auf Englisch ein Kommentar schreiben müssen !?;)


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