SHF #12 – Cooking up Custard – Layered apple and custard loaf

This month SHF -theme hosted by Elise is „Cooking up custard„** 
Grown up with vanilla sauce,I had some trouble to find a recipe  for  this Friday, which is also our 22. wedding anniversary. But when I leafed through my bread books I saw this delicious

Layered apple and custard loaf

Layered apple and custard loaf
SHF 12 sm 020

You need:

SHF 12 002

450 grams Sweet yeasted butter dough
700 grams Custard for baking
5 Good eating apples
100 grams Soft brown sugar
1 Springform ø 25 cm

Line the base and sides of a 25 cm ø springform cake tin with
nonstick baking paper (or well buttered brown paper). Peel and core
the apples and cut into slices.

Divide the dough into three pieces, each weighing roughly 150 g. On
a flour-dusted work-surface roll each piece of dough out into a disc
25cm in diameter (the same size as the cake tin). Place one in the
bottom on the tin, then spread a third of the custard over the
surface. Cover the custard with a third of the apples, then sprinkle
with a third of the sugar. Repeat with the other pieces of dough,
the remaining custard, apples, and sugar. Sprinkle the upper surface
of the unbaked loaf with the last of the sugar, and leave in a warm
(21-25°C) place to prove for 1 1/2 hours. Use a tray, if using a I used a
loose bottomed tin.

SHF 12 003

Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas mark 6. Rake on a rack in the
centre of the oven for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 170°C/330°F/
gas mark 3 and bake for a further 35 minutes, covering the top of
the cake at the end if it gets too brown. Leave in the tin to cool,
and serve when warm.

Source: Dan Lepard, The handmade loaf, ISBN 1 84000 966 7

Here comes the recipe for the custard:

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v0.98.6

Title: Custard for baking
Categories: Baking, Custard
Yield: 1 recipe, enough for the layered and custard loaf

400 grams Fresh milk
1 Vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out
25 grams Cornflour
125 grams Caster sugar
2 medium Eggs
50 grams Unsalted butter, softened
=========================== SOURCE ===========================

978-1840009668* Dan Lepard
The Handmade Loaf:
The book that started a baking revolution: Contemporary
European Recipes for the Home Baker (Mitchell Beazley Food)
ISBN: 978-1840009668
— Edited *RK* 09/01/2005 by
— Ulrike Westphal

In a saucepan, heat the milk with the vanilla pod and its seeds and
scrapings until hot and nearly boiling. Remove from the heat and
leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Remove the pod.

In a bowl, mix the cornflour with the sugar. Beat in the eggs, one
at a time, until smooth and combined. Whisk the hot milk into the
mixture, return to the saucepan, and heat, whisking constantly,
until it comes to the boil. Rmove from the heat, transfer
immediately into a cooler container, and beat in the softened butter.

Press a piece of buttered paper (or butter wrapper) on to the
surface of the custard an then leave to cool.


The recipe for the sweet butter dough:

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v0.98.6

Title: Sweet butter dough
Categories: Baking, Wheat sourdough
Yield: 1 Recipe

2 1/2 teasp. Fresh yeast, crumbled (4 %)
1 medium Egg (12%)
2 medium Egg yolks (12%)
125 grams Caster sugar (25%)
500 grams Soft white flour (100%)
200 grams White leaven; 85 % Hydration (40%)
125 grams Single cream (25%)
1 1/4 teasp. Fine sea salt (2%)
175 grams Unsalted butter (35%)
=========================== SOURCE ===========================

978-1840009668* Dan Lepard
The Handmade Loaf:
The book that started a baking revolution: Contemporary
European Recipes for the Home Baker (Mitchell Beazley Food)
ISBN: 978-1840009668
— Edited *RK* 09/01/2005 by
— Ulrike Westphal

Crumble the yeast and beat with the egg, egg yolks, and 1 tbsp sugar.
Mix in all the remaining ingredients except the butter and knead
roughly. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. Slice the butter into thin
pieces, then allow it to soften. Spread the pieces on top of the
dough and work them roughly into it. Rub 1 tsp corn or olive oil on
the worksurface and knead the dough on the oiled surface for 5
minutes, until the butter is combined and the dough is smooth. Knead
the dough into a ball, then place it in a large, tightly-covered
container that allows it room to prove, and keep it in the

Use the dough the following day, or at least 18 hours later.

The dough is very useful:

Try freezing it rolled very thin (1/3 cm) between sheets of nonstick
baking parchment. Then, when you want to use them (say to line a
tart case): remove a sheet from the freezer, leave until it becomes
bendy, tear off one side of paper and press this side into a greased
tart case carefully peel off the other side (sometimes you might
need to put the case back into the freezer for 5 minutes to firm to
make this easier, because it is a bit tricky) Fill it with cut plums,
a little flour and sugar (tossed together) and leave the dough time
to rise Bake in a hot oven

Or form 12 small rounds, put them into a muffin tin, let prove for
1,5 hours and bake 25 minutes at 200 °C

Bild       Bild


*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon

more recipes and entries in English

** now defunct

5 thoughts on “SHF #12 – Cooking up Custard – Layered apple and custard loaf

  1. Cascabel

    Sounds and looks delicious :-)
    Ich hab\’s dann doch nicht mehr geschafft, was für SHF zu machen, die Haselnusstorte musste erst aufgegessen werden.
    Anyway, happy Hochzeitstag!

  2. zorra

    Ich habe auch mitgemacht, obwohl es total in die Hosen ging. :-( Aber es kann ja nicht immer alles gelingen, und das darf die \“Welt\“ auch wissen. ;-)

  3. zorra

    Heute Nacht habe ich von deinem Kuchen geträumt. Irgendwie war ich bei dir, du warst zwar nicht da, aber der Kuchen, und der war köstlich. :-)

    Ach ja, und gestern ganz vergessen: Ich hoffe ihr hattet einen schönen Hochzeitstag.

  4. ostwestwind

    Stimmt, der Kuchen war und die Reste sind wirklich köstlich… Na gottseidank bin ich nicht noch in deinen Träumen aufgetaucht;)… Und der Hochzeitstag war auch nett


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