Custard versus vanilla sauce

This month Sugar High Friday „SHF 22.05.2021 ** is hosted by Elise who chose :

 „Cooking up custard“**

I got 6 translations for custard, two of them are Vanillesoße = vanilla sauce und Eiercreme that means a sauce with eggs.

I grew up with vanilla sauce made with sauce powder from Dr. Oetker. So did my grandmother, as advised in her cookbook from 1929.

SHF 12Vanille-Soße


Dr.oetkerbuch_beide Ansichten (2)

In Great Britain powder is also well-known:.

Both powders have similar

Starch,colour (Beta-Carotin, Riboflavin), Salt,

Cornflour, Salt, Flavourings, Colour

The main difference is the consistency. Custard tastes richer, the colour is a different yellow and it is thicker than German vanilla sauce.

** now defunct
** 22.05.2021 no longer available

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