Sarah from the delicious life 26.09.2023 ** is hosting this 21st edition of Sugar High Friday, 26.09.2023 ** the worldwide food blogging event created by Jennifer the The Domestic Goddess 22.05.2021 **. Ice ice baby 26.09.2023 ** is an adequate theme for summer and I prepared a refreshing
Mint ice cream with chocolate
-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.2
Title: Mint ice cream with chocolate
Categories: Dessert, Ice cream
Yield: 4 Servings
1 bunch Mint
3 tablesp. Sugar
300 grams Cream, chilled
20 ml Mint liqueur, f.e. Crème de menthe
1 Egg white
40 grams Chocolate, melted
============================ SOURCE ============================
Kräuter-Kompass *
ISBN: 978-3774227194
— Edited *RK* 07/18/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal
Wash the mint leaves, dry and set a few aside for decoration. Blitz
in a blender and add the sugar. Mix the chilled cream with half of
the mint sugar. Beat the egg white until stiff, fold in the
remaining mint sugar and fold this mixture into the cream. Freeze
for about 30 minutes, occasionally stirring.
Remove ice cream from freezer and sprinkle with melted chocolate.
Return ice cream into the freezer until completely frozen.
Decorate ice cream balls with melted chocolate and decorate with
mint leaves.
* = Affiliate-Link to Amazon
more ice cream recipes (click)
more recipes and entries in English
** 22.05.2021 http://www.domesticgoddess.ca/sugar-high-fridays/ no longer available
** 26.09.2023 https://thedeliciouslife.blogspot.com/ and http://thedeliciouslife.blogspot.com/2006/07/yo-shf-lets-kick-it-ice-ice-baby.html no longer available
Mix Pix Foodie Blog Award
Hi, your site was nominated by one of your readers to be my next Foodie-blog award winner. I wrote a review up at //www.mixpixawards.blogspot.com
Your recipes are very delightful and different. I’m so encouraged to try them. If you would like the codes for the award chicklet and buttons feel free to email me at Margiemix@comcast.net and I’ll be happy to email them to you.
Very cool, sweet, and delicious! I like this theme!
Oooh…Matt adores mint and chocolate! I’ll have to make this for him.
Das klingt gut!
Vielen Dank für Dein Rezept, das werde ich garantiert ausprobieren.
Liebe Grüße, Sus