Hard to believe but true: On the Baltic Sea coast you just need 5 minutes from Brazil to California:
The legend: Once upon a time, a fisherman found a rotten ship plank with the word “California” in the shores of the Baltic Sea near his hut. He took the piece of wood home, and nailed it to his door.
Some times later, a competing fischerman, who lived a little more easterly on the beach, discovered this snobbish sign at his neighbour’s door. “What you can do, I’ve been able to do for a long time …”, this fisherman may have thought. He immediately reached into his firewood and found a suitable log, on which he carefully painted the word “Brazil.” These exotic door signs are now the districts of Schönberg, a popular vacation resort at the Baltic Sea. At the moment the beach section California has 426 inhabitants, Brazil only 19.
This week I serve
California Skyr Bowl
fresh from the Baltic Sea for breakfast.
California Skyr Bowl
Yield: 1 serving

Delicious Bowl with Skyr
- 240 grams Skyr *
- 1/2 avocado, thinly sliced
- 50 grams berries, smashed; I used red and black currants, blackberries
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup, Ulrike: 1 teaspoon honey
- 40 grams oats
modified from Ulrike Westphal inspired by:
Heidi Swanson 23.12.2023 **
- Spoon skyr into a bowl. Top the skyr with avocado slices, berries, maple syrup or honey, and rolled oats. If you like add a tiny bit of sea salt to the California Skyr Bowl.
total time: 5 minutes
*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon
Photo Credit: I ♥ Cooking Clubs

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** 22.12.2023 https://www.quitokeeto.com/pages/california-yogurt-bowl nur noch im Webarchiv abrufbar