Schlagwort-Archive: Lavendel

WHB #91: Lavender Sugar

Susan from FoodBlogga is hosting the 91st round of Weekend Herb Blogging. This week I focus on lavender. I have two kinds of lavender in my garden, the purple lavender and a paler variety.

©Lavendel 001 ©Lavendel 002

Lavender was once used for all sorts of cosmetic purposes and its heady fragrance scented not only Victorian parlours, bedrooms and drawing rooms. Linen chests and cupboards were perfumed with lavender sachets and lavender shrubs were often grown near the kitchen door so newly washed clothes could be spread over them to dry. It’s the traditional Victorian fragrance, which wards off mothes from clothes.

Oil of lavender rubbed on the skin is said to prevent midge and mosquito bites. Last year I used lavender leaves for a lavender lemonade, this year I seized KitchenMage’s idea of

Lavender Sugar

for WHB #51 27.04.2021 **>.

I mixed 100 grams sugar together with 2 tablespoons (about 4 grams) of lavender blossoms…

©Lavendelzucker 001

…and filled it into a jar. Now I have to wait 1 – 2 weeks

©Lavendelzucker 002

until the sugar absorbed the flavour. You can pass the sugar through a strainer to remove the buds or leave them in when you use it to sweeten tea, to make lavender ice cream or lavender crème brulée .

more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021; no longer available

WHB #46: Lavender in England and Lavender Lemonade

Tony of Anthony’s Kitchen is hosting this week the Weekend Herb blogging. Since WHB # 34 the event travels every fortnight round the world and this week the recap comes from Mumbai, India. India is full of interesting herbs and spices, but I stay in Europe and write about lavender.

Although the Provence is more famous for its lavender fields, there are very nice lavender fields 22.02.2021 ** in Cotswolds, England.

WHB#46 Eingang Lavendelfarm WHB#46 Lavendelfeld 001
WHB#46 Lavendelfeld 002 WHB#46 Lavendelfeld 003

The lavender blossoms give nectar for lavender honey. The fragrant, pale purple flowers and flower buds are used in potpourris to to give a fresh fragrance and as a deterrent to moths.

The plant is also grown commercially for extraction of lavender oil from the flowers. This oil 22.02.2021 ** is used as an antiseptic, for aromatherapy and cosmetic products 22.02.2021 **

WHB#46 Tafel Destillerie WHB#46 Lavendelfarm Destille

Lavender is also used as a herb. You can use the blossoms and the leaves. I cut the faded blossoms from my lavender. With the leaves I prepared a

Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade

Very tasty with a nice smell of lavender and a lavender aftertaste.

Lavendel im Garten Lavendelblüte  und -blätter 1/4 Tasse Lavendelblätter
Herstellung Lavendeltee 001 Herstellung Lavendeltee 002 Lavendeltee

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.2

Title: Lavender Lemonade – WHB #46
Categories: Lemonade
Yield: 6-8 Servings

625 ml Water (1)
300 grams Sugar, thereof 40 g brown sugar
1/4 cup Lavender leaves,about 5 grams, chopped
500 ml Water, sparkling (2)
180 ml Lemon juice
Ice cubes

============================ SOURCE ============================
— Edited *RK* 08/15/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal@Küchenlatein

First, heat the first measures of water (1)and sugar to a boil until
the sugar dissolves. Add lavender and let the mixture cool to room
temperature. Strain out the lavender. In a pitcher, add lavender
infusion to second measure of sparkling water (2) and lemon juice.

Stir and add more sugar to taste. Chill and serve lemonade over ice.


** 21.02.2021 und not longer available