Schlagwort-Archive: pears

Fall resp. Autumn Salad: Pear-Cole-Slaw

Gabriella from My Life As A Reluctant Housewife asks for Fall Salad Recipes. Living in the northernmost state of federation in Germany – Schleswig-Holstein – with Europe’s largest single area of cabbage cultivation, it is a must to prepare a salad with cabbage.



-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.3

Title: Pear-Cole-Slaw Button German
Categories: Salat
Yield: 2 Servings

300 grams White cabbage
1/2 teasp. Salt
1 medium Carrot
1 Pear
1 tablesp. Lemon juice
150 grams Cream yogurt
1 tablesp. Walnut halves

============================ SOURCE ============================
essen&trinken Für jeden Tag, Heft 11/2004
— Edited *RK* 11/18/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Clean white cabbage and remove the stem. Shred in fine strips.
Toss into a bowl and knead with salt thoroughly. Peel carrot and
grate. Wash, peel and quarter pear and remove the core. Cut into
cubes and mix with lemon juice.

2. Whisk cream yoghurt and pour over cabbage, carrot and pear.
Season to taste with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Sprinkle with
walnut halves or chopped walnuts.


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