It’s autumn and time for cabbage. I live in the northernmost state of federation in Germany – Schleswig-Holstein – with Europe’s largest single area of cabbage cultivation. To find a 1 pound head of red cabbage is nearly impossible. I bought a 2-kg-head and shredded it completely and used 250 grams for the
Warm Red Cabbage Salad
The rest will be fermented to red cabbage sauerkraut. In Europe feta cheese is – like Parmesan – a protected designation of indication. Feta has to be produced in Greece. I used greek-style cheese instead. Cold-pressed rapeseed oil is the German answer to olive oil. All came together to a delicious salad also for lunch at work.
Warm Red Cabbage SaladYield: 2 servings Easy recipe for warm Red Cabbage Salad Ingredients:
modified from Ulrike Westphal inspired by: Instructions
total time: 20 minutes |
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Photo Credit: I ♥ Cooking Clubs
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