Schlagwort-Archive: Turkey

Something out of nothing: Red Lentil sticks

Lindy at Toast ( is hosting the one time event Something out of nothing 19.09.2023 **. I had bulgur and red lentils in my cupbord, chervil on the window seat. All the other ingredients are always on stock except for the spring onions. So I prepared

Red Lentil sticks

Red Lentil sticks

The result is a very tasty, substantial and inexpensive dish.

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.1

Title: Red Lentil sticks
Categories: Vegetarian
Yield: 4-5 Servings

1 1/2 cups Red lentils
1 cup Finely cracked bulgar wheat
3 cups Of water (used for cooking the lentils)
4 tablesp. Olive oil
1 Big onion, peeled and finely diced
1 bunch Of chervil, finely chopped
6 Spring onions, finely chopped
2 cloves Of garlic, peeled and chopped
1 tablesp. Tomato paste
1 tablesp. Ayvar
1 Lemon’s juice
1 teasp. Cumin
1 teasp. Mint
Salt and pepper to taste
Chervil leaves
1 Potatoe, floury grated

============================== SOURCE ==============================

978-3833110924 * adapted from:
Mediterrane Köstlichkeiten: Türkei *
ISBN 978-3833110924
and a hint from Dilek
— Edited *RK* 03/27/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Wash the lentils and cook them in water until lentils are soft.

2. Near the end of the cooking time add the bulghur wheat. Let the
bulgur soften for a while.

3. Meanwhile sauté the chopped onions and garlic in olive oil.

4. Add the tomato paste, ajvar and spices.

5. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and let the mixture
cool for a while, so that you don’t burn your fingers while shaping
them. If you add a grated potatoe the mixture keeps together.

6. Shape them into patties and serve on a plate. Serve with pickles


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more recipes and entries in English

** 19.08.2023 no longer available