Daring Bakers: Bake Your Pizzas Like A Real Pizzaiolo

Rosa of
Rosa’s Yummy Yums hosts this month Daring Baker’s Challenge on her own after Sher’s sudden death. So The Daring Bakers dedicate this challenge to Sher. We are baking pizza this month using the Basic Pizza Dough recipe from The Bread Baker’s Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread: Making Classic Breads with the Cutting-edge Techniques of a Bread Master *, which can be found here.

The two young gentlemen had already autumn holiday while their father was in Munich and I had to work. I prepared the dough for three pizzas the evening before eating and when I came from work we topped the pizzas, everyone to his taste.

Bake Your Pizzas Like A Real Pizzaiolo

The recipe was easy, I used a mixture of 80 % wheat flour Type 405 and Manitoba flour. We were not perfect in tossing our pizza, we used the „pull out“ method.

Enjoy more pizzas visiting the Daring Bakers blogroll.

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

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17 thoughts on “Daring Bakers: Bake Your Pizzas Like A Real Pizzaiolo

  1. Natashya at www.livinginthekitchenwithpuppies.blogspot.com

    Great pizzas, I love that everyone got to top their own. Looks like you have a great selection of deli meats and cheeses, all you need is a beer!

  2. johanna (Gast)

    ich hab neulich zum ersten mal sauerteig pizza gemacht… und werde nie wieder einen fuss in eine pizzeria setzen! die war so extrem lecker, der boden so duenn, dass man dadurch zeitung lesen konnte – ein absoluter wahnsinn! das wird ab jetzt unser familienessen am sonntag nachmittag, da koennen die kleinen dann auch gut mithelfen! und so einfach zu machen… mmmh!

  3. Caitlin at engineerbaker.blogspot.com

    My favorite part about this was being able to top each pizza with something different – they were the perfect size! It looks like you have quite the variety of toppings too.

  4. Mari at www.mevrouwcupcake.com

    Wow, yours look so much better then mine did! I’m looking forward to giving the 3 dough balls currently napping in the freezer a go, in the hopes that I have better luck with them.


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