Meme: 5 things about me

Freya from Writing At The Kitchen Table tagged me for the 5 things about me meme. Ok, here are 5 things you probably don’t know about me:

  1. In previous times I was a Hot-Dog-Tester. At that time best Hot Dog Stall was located in Stege
  2. When I cook, I prefer to weigh all things, including Nutella. 125 ml Nutella makes about 156 g.
  3. I’m fond of British people and food: Lord Peter Wimsey, Gary Rhodes, porridge, muffins, shortbread, scones, crumpets, clotted cream, not to forget the Beatles, Elton John and this man.
  4. At the age of 25 I bought my first bottle Moet & Chandon and was disappointed.
  5. I like spinach, I could live without beetroot

Everyone who wants to do this meme is invited to join in the fun!

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