Nigel Slater Warm New Potato Salad with melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress

Nigel Slater Cheese 
This week the I♥CC-members are adding a little cheese to the Nigel Slater dishes.
My watercress is doing well


and I got some wonderful Bavarian mountain cheeses.

©Bayerische Käseplatte

It is spring and you can buy new potatoes on the weekly market. Real Fast Food * offers a great idea to combine all ingredients

Warm New Potato Salad with Melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress

©warm new potato salad with melted cheese and waterkress (1)

©warm new potato salad with melted cheese and waterkress (2)

©warm new potato salad with melted cheese and waterkress (4)

©warm new potato salad with melted cheese and waterkress (3)

Very delicious

Nigel Slater Warm New Potato Salad with Melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress


Warm New Potato Salad with melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress (4)

Nigel Slater recipe for Warm New Potato Salad with Melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress


  • 450 grams new potatoes, wiped clean
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 handfuls of watercress, washed and shaken dry
  • 200 grams mild, semi-soft cheese



modified by from Real Fast Food
ISBN: 978-0141029504


  1. Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water until tender to the point of a knife, about 12 minutes.
  2. Toss the leaves in the olive oil and dump on two ovenproof plates.
  3. Drain the potatoes and slice each one in half. Scatter them over the salad leaves.
  4. Slice the cheese thinly over the potatoes. Set the plate under a preheated grill and cook till the cheese starts to ooze, about 1 minute.
  5. Eat immediately.

Also try rocket and Taleggio, radiccio and Roquefort.
total: 20 minutes
preparation: 5 minutes
cook: 15 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon

For all other great A Little Cheese, PLEASE! entries visit the I heart cooking clubs site

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6 thoughts on “Nigel Slater Warm New Potato Salad with melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress

  1. Zosia

    Like Deb, I tried to comment earlier this week….
    Cheese and potatoes are always delicious together but it’s so nice to see that fresh peppery green with them, a pairing I wouldn’t have thought to use. Delicious!


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