Presto Pasta Night #67: Mushroom Ravioli

Closet Cooking is the first co-host of Presto Pasta Nights, which started in March 2007 by Ruth, of Once Upon a Feast. I leafed through the Essential Pasta Cookbook (German edition) and adapted the recipe on page 227 for my new ravioli maker and prepared

Homemade Mushroom Ravioli

Mushroom Ravioli

just for son no. 2 and me. He liked it and me too.

A similiar recipe you find here, I made mine by guess and buy gosh. I filled the homemade pasta dough with sautéed and seasoned mushrooms. The remaining mushrooms I added to chopped hazelnuts and some left over cream.

7 thoughts on “Presto Pasta Night #67: Mushroom Ravioli

  1. Vibi (Gast)

    Okay, I’m not going to say everything I need to on this recipe of yours… I wouldn’t be done by tomorrow morning!
    This is paradise for a mushroom lover like me… all I’d ask would be to simply bathe in it!
    This must have been soooooooo good! …creamy, mushroomy, savory, suave, delicious, succulent, delightful… should I go on?

  2. Kevin (Gast)

    That looks so good! Mushrooms and pasta are two of my favorite foods. Combining them in the form of ravioli sounds great! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights!

  3. Mike (Gast)

    This looks wonderful and I love mushroom ravioli. I’m also intrigued by the addition of hazelnuts–I’ll have to try that the next time I do something like this.


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