Presto Pasta Night #66: Homemade Ravioli with Basil Ricotta Filling

I have to admit, I use these containers* for years, a shelf in the cellar is full of this stuff for freezing* and refrigerating*. The stuff is great, but I am afraid to buy more, because of my husband’s behavior. T***ware and men don’t agree. But I had to have the ravioli maker *. As I promised, I didn’t go to a party. I ordered it through my work-mate. I had some some pasta dough in the fridge from the lasagne. When I came home, I went straight into the kitchen, mixed together ricotta cheese parmesan cheese, egg yolks and basil pesto and rolled out the pasta. Than I followed the instructions for the T***-tool and served

Homemade Ravioli with Basil Ricotta Filling

Homemade Ravioli with Basil Ricotta Filling

My husband’s comment: That was quick, you should do more ravioli. The first time he agreed with plastic from here.

Recipe in German Button German

* = Affiliate-Link to Amazon

more recipes and entries in English

9 thoughts on “Presto Pasta Night #66: Homemade Ravioli with Basil Ricotta Filling

  1. Petra (Gast)

    Männer und Tupperware ;-)) Zwei Welten begegnen sich!
    Das einzige was bei Ravioli mit Happy Snack stört, ist, dass ich erst mehrere Lasagneplatten zu einer großen zusammenfügen muß. Meine Nudelmaschine macht nur schmälere Streifen. Und meine Herren essen mehr, weil nicht soviel Nudelrand drum rum ist. Aber schnell geht es wirklich!
    Viele Grüße

  2. Sivie (Gast)

    Deine Ravioli sehen lecker aus. Ich habe letzte Woche eine Nudelmaschine erworben. Jetzt weiß ich, was ich damit ausprobieren kann. Das wird sicher auch mit einem normalen Ravioli-Brett gehen.

  3. Corinne at

    That looks fabulous! I love basil, I bet it would be delicious with a squeeze of lemon juice.

  4. katie (Gast)

    Thyme for Cooking, the Blog
    Pretty ravioli…Beautiful basil. Your herb garden is doing well!
    Mon mari is exactly the same…must be a guy thing. If it was metal they’d understand!


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