Presto Pasta Nights: Tagliatelle with Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce

Yesterday I served the Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce with bread, today I served the leftovers with tagliatelle.

Tagliatelle with Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce

Tagliatelle with Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce

Pasta offer an important advantage for working mothers: The children bring the water on schedule to the boil, when the mother returns from work. The dish is ready in 10 minutes – including warming up the sauce. Enjoy!

I send this to Ruth over at Once Upon a Feast for her Presto Pasta Night. The only rule to participate is to serve any pasta dish, that’s what I’ve done.

14:50: I just discovered that there 22.02.2021 ** is a similar recipe 22.02.2021 ** from Nigella Lawson

more recipes and entries in English

** 21.02.2021 and not longer available

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