WHB #85: Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce

It’s the 85 th edition of Weekend Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 ** and the founder of this Kalyn of Kalyn’s Kitchen is hosting it.

I don’t know, what’s growing in my garden, majoram or oregano? Years ago I had both in my garden, but like Katie I lost the track 26.09.2023 **. Than we remodeled the herb garden and there was only one plant left, but which one, I don’t know! I used this herb in combination with parsley, thyme, basil and parsley for the

Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce

<Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce

Delicious with toasted bread!

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce
Categories: meat
Yield: 4 servings


2     Onions, chopped
2 cloves   Garlic, chopped
4 tablesp.   Olive oil
2 tablesp.   Tomato paste
1 can   Tomatoes
400 grams   Minced meat
2 tablesp.   Bread crumbs
1     Egg
2 tablesp.   Parmesan, grated
4 tablesp.   Italian herbs, like thyme, oregano, basil,
      — parsley, finely chopped
      Salt, pepper, sugar


  LECKER, Kochen & Genießen, April 2007, p.56
  Edited *RK* 05/31/2007 by
  Ulrike Westphal


1. Sauté garlic and onions in 2 tablespoons olive oil until soft and transparent. Set aside and halve.

2. Sauté tomato paste in a saucepan, than add the tomatoes. Chop the tomatoes add 1/2 of the onion mixture and cook without a lid for 30 Minutes.

3. In a bowl mix together minced meat, bread crumbs, egg, cheese, the half of herbs and the remaining onion mixture. Season with salt and pepper and form small balls.

4. Brown the meat balls in the remaining oil from all sides.

5. Season tomato sauce with salt, pepper, sugar and add more chopped italian herbs. Add the meat balls and heat them in the sauce for about 10 minutes.


more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021 https://kalynskitchen.com/whos-hosting-weekend-herb-blogging/; https://kalynskitchen.com/weekend-herb-blogging-i-dont-have-dog/ no longer available
** 26.09.2023 https://thymeforcookingblog.com/2007/04/i_remember_when.html no longer availavle

8 thoughts on “WHB #85: Mediterranean meatballs in tomato sauce

  1. katie (Gast)

    Thyme for Cooking
    Those look delicious! With 4 tbs they should be full of flavor. And with all of thid cold, rainy weather we’re having they’re a much better idea for dinner than cooking on the barbecue. I still have some tomatoes left in my freezer…..

  2. Zorra

    Ich esse keine Leberwurst, deshalb weiss ich nicht ob die nach Majoran riecht. Jedenfalls riecht Majoran nicht nach Pizza. ;-)
    Leider kann ich dir den Geruch von Majoran nicht erklären, aber er riecht wirklich etwas anders als Oregano.

  3. ejm (Gast)

    Hard to say..
    Marjoram and oregano are so similar looking. As far as I know, marjoram is an annual (but it could well self-seed in the right climate). For me the big difference between the two is the scent. Marjoram is very perfumed (almost bergamot-like) and oregano has a wilder smell.

    Your tomato sauce looks delicious, by the way.



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