Chandra from Lick the Spoon 01.02.2024 ** is hosting this month Sugar High Friday 22.05.2021 ** initiated from Jennifer at The Domestic Goddess 22.05.2021 **. The theme: Candy is Dandy…. But Liquor is Quicker! 01.02.2024 **
We just celebrated Easter and I have some advocaat left. So I prepared a tipsy dessert called
Grandma’s Advoocat Pudding
-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.1
Title: Grandma’s Advoocat Pudding
Categories: Dessert
Yield: 4-6 Servings
300 ml Milk
250 ml Advocaat
50 grams Sugar
40 grams Starch, corn or potatoe
2 Egg yolks Size M
=============================== SAUCE ===============================
125 ml Milk
75 grams Dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
2 tablesp. Honey
1 Sachet vanilla sugar, 8 g
============================== SOURCE ==============================
essen&trinken FürjedenTag, Heft 6/2005
— Edited *RK* 04/20/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal
1. For the pudding heat 300 ml milk, 150 ml advocaat and sugar over
medium heat and bring to the boil. Whisk together the remaining 100 ml advoocat, 40 g starch and egg yolks.
Add egg-mixture to the boiling milk, stirring constantly. Bring to the
boil again. Pour pudding into cold rinsed moulds (about 150 ml) and let cool.
2. For the sauce mix chocolate with honey. In a saucepan bring 125
ml milk and vanilla sugar to a boil. Pour over the chocolate and
stir until smooth.
3. Dip moulds into hot water and turn the a href=”//”>pudding. Serve with the
more recipes and entries in English
** 22.05.2021; no longer available
** 01.02.2024 no longer available, in Webarchive still available
Advocaat habe ich gar nicht gekannt. Als ich den Titel las, dachte ich, “warum ist das Dessert nicht grün”. ;-)
Trinkst du etwa grünen Eierlikör ? Was steht den in der Schweiz auf einer Flasche Eierlikör, hier auch immer irgendwo Advocaat :-),
Keine Ahnung, ich habe noch nie Eierlikör gekauft und getrunken nur in den Liköreiern. ,-9
I like the picture. Maybe I should go buy myself some avocat!