Schlagwort-Archive: Berlin cuisine

A taste of terroir 2008: Berliner (Pfannkuchen)

Happy New Year to Everyone!

A taste of terror
Anna of Anna’s Cool Finds asked again for A taste of terroir. This time I chose Berliner Pfannkuchen. Berliners are traditionally eaten New Year’s Eve. I don’t know the right English word for it, because it’s even difficult in German. In Northern Germany this doughnut-style pastry is just called Berliner, it’s not a citizen of Berlin. Residents of Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony know this as Pfannkuchen, which in the rest of Germany generally means pancakes. And the pancakes in this area are called Eierkuchen, not meaning an omelett but „egg cakes“. Be that as it may, we bake this every New Year’s Eve, but we skip the joke to fill some Berliners with mustard instead of jam and serve them together with regular Berliners without telling anyone. We prefer to serve them just with icing sugar, not with an icing.

How to make Berliner Pfannkuchen

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©Berliner Pfannkuchen (Berlin Pancakes) 005

©Berliner Pfannkuchen (Berlin Pancakes) 010

©Berliner Pfannkuchen (Berlin Pancakes) 002


-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Berliner Pfannkuchen (Berlin Pancakes)
Categories: Baking
Yield: 18 Servings

Berliner Pfannkuchen


250 grams   Wheat flour Type 550, all-purpose
225 grams   Milk 30° C
1 pack   Dry yeast
      Pre-ferment, all of above
250 grams   Flour Type 550, all-purpose
10 grams   Malt, optional
3     Eggs, size M
60 grams   Sugar
60 grams   Butter, softened
5 grams   Salt
1/2 vial   lemon flavour *
1/2 vial   vanilla flavour *


  own recipe
  Edited *RK* 12/30/2007 by
  Ulrike Westphal


Mix together all ingredients for the pre-ferment and let rest for about 30 minutes.

Work up all ingredients for the dough until smooth. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to the walls of the bowlLet rest for 30 minutes. Cover a board with a cloth and dust the cloth with corn or potato starch.

Divide the dough into pieces of 50 grams, form into balls and set on cloth. Cover dough balls with cloth and plastic and proof until doubled in bulk.

Uncover the risen dough balls and wait until they get a "skin" on top.

Heat the oil to 180ºC . Place 2 – 3 of the risen dough balls with their bottoms into the oil at a time (more dough rounds placed into the oil at one time would lower the temperature of the oil to much, so stick to 2 – 3 at a time). Fry the Berliners until golden-brown turning them only once while frying them. Remove from the oil and drain on a wire rack.

Let oil heat up to ideal temperature, before placing more dough into it again.

The finished Berliner should look like a small cannon ball with a white waist line.

Fill the drained, but still warm Berliners with jam using a piping bag with a long nozzle.

Dust with icing sugar.

* You can also use lemon or orange zest.
