Time to make doughnuts: Quark balls – Quarkbällchen

time to make doughnuts

Tartelette and Peabody are calling food bloggers to make doughnuts. A doughnut, or donut, is a sweet, deep-fried piece of dough or batter. For New Year’s Eve we had the Berlin Pancakes , a doughnut filled with jelly. For this event I prepared the Quarkbällchen – in English

Quark balls

Quark balls - Quarkbällchen

Quark (cheese) is a type of fresh cheese of Central European origin. I used it to prepare a quark dough, portioned it with an ice-cream scoop and deep fried it.

Quarkbällchen 001 Quarkbällchen 002 Quarkbällchen 003 Quarkbällchen 004
Quarkbällchen 005 Quarkbällchen 006 Quarkbällchen 007 Quarkbällchen 008

There were gone fast!

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Quark balls
Categories: Doughnuts
Yield: 20 Servings


2     Eggs, sizle L
40 grams   Sugar
500 grams   Low fat quark (cheese)
20 grams   Butter, melted
266 grams   Flour
67 grams   Starch, corn or potato
4 teasp.   Baking powder

  Edited *RK* 01/20/2008 by
  Ulrike Westphal


Beat eggs with sugar until foamy, add melted butter and quark cheese in portions and mix until smooth. In another bowl mix the dry ingredients and add to the quark mixture.

Preheat deep-fat fryer to 190 °C.

Using an ice-cream scoop slide the balls into the hot oil, making sure not to crowd the pan.

Fry until golden brown, about 7 minutes.

Remove doughnuts using tongs and drain on paper towels.

Serve with icing sugar


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