Transitional Enriched Sandwich Breads

As a recipe testerfor Peter Reinhart I tried 2 new formulas . Two versions of transitional enriched sandwich breads. The whole wheat sandwich bread is always on the left, the multi-grain sandwich bread is always on the right side.

PR-1 PR-2
whole wheat soaker multigrain soaker
PR-3 bigas for both breads after refrigerating over night
PR-4 PR-5
whole wheat dough after 1st rise multi-grain dough after 1st rise
PR-6 PR-7
PR-8 internal temperatur after 40 minutes baking:
>90 °C / >194 °F
PR-9 PR-10
PR-11 PR-12
Transitional Enriched Sandwich Breads 13 PR-14
Transitional Enriched Sandwich Breads 15 PR-16

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