TSIR #3 The perfumed garden: Daisy-Spread

Gänseblümchen 001Barbara at Tigers & Strawberries chose The perfumed Garden for the 3rd The Spice Is Right Theme. The challenge is to combine edible flowers in some form or another, with spices in a recipe. First I thought of dandelions, roses and elder flowers. Here is no season for these flowers. But than I saw the blooming Gänseblümchen – Daisies everywhere and I looked up for recipes. Daisy or Bellis perennis is used occasionally as fodder plant as well as medical plant. The blooms are edible and can be used in salads. The young inner leaves from the rosette taste best. The buds as well as the only half opened blooms have a nutty taste, the opened blooms easily taste bitter and are more suitable as an addition to salads. Pickled buds of daisies are sometimes used as a caper substitute.

Don’t forget to pick daisies on St. John’s day between 12 pm and 1 pm. Dry them and take them always with you and no work will fail.

I picked some daisies from the meadow next to my garden and used the petals to prepare a



A real interesting taste: a combination of sweetness, bitterness and a hint of nutty flavour.

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.2

Title: Daisy-spread
Categories: Edible flower, Spread
Yield: 4 Servings

50 Daisy blooms, the petals only
3 tablesp. Mascarpone
1 tablesp. Crème fraiche
2 tablesp. Cream cheese
2 tablesp. Cream
1/2 Lemon, the peel grated
1/2 Lemon, the juice
1/2 teasp. Honey
1 Pinch Salt
1/4 Orange, the peel, grated

============================== SOURCE ==============================
— Edited *RK* 05/26/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal @ Küchenlatein

Stir together all the ingredients until smooth.

Gänseblümchen 010


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