Weekly soup for Souper Sunday: (White) asparagus cream soup

Asparagus cream soup

Asparagus cream soup

My sons loved the meatballs more than the asparagus, my husband and I both.

In Germany asparagus always means the white „spargel“. This year the German spargel season began at Easter and it ends always on June, 24 th. „Cherries red, spargel dead“ is an old country saying. To prepare a German White Asparagus Cream Soup you first cook a broth from the peel and trimmed ends adding lemon and sugar. Remove peel and ends and cook the asparagus pieces for about 8 mins in the broth. Remove asparagus, add cream and season with lemon, salt and pepper. Give back the asparagus into the soup, warm through and add meat balls if you like.

If you are interested in German Asparagus madness, read this. Until university I didn’t know that there is other than white asparagus.

This is my 15 th post for Debbies Souper Sunday

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