WHB #87: Strawberry Jam with Mint


This week Rachel from rachel’s bite is hosting the 87th edition of Weekend Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 **. This week I’m featuring mint. I grow two types of mint in my garden:

Pfefferminze Erdbeerkonfitüre mit Minze 002
Peppermint Spearmint or Moroccan Mint

Spearmint belongs to the curly mints, I grow it in a pot on the terrace, because slugs love it contrary to peppermint. The spearmint taste is milder than peppermint and I used one chopped tablespoon to flavour strawberry jam.

Strawberry Jam with Mint

Strawberry Jam with Mint

Delectable on a buttered roll for breakfast!

I was not sure, if I’d like the taste so I tried a small amount „cooked“ in the microwave with a special mixture. I makes just two small glasses of jam.

Strawberry Jam with Mint 005

I like the taste and next time I’ll cook the jam the normal way in a copper pan.

more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021 https://kalynskitchen.com/whos-hosting-weekend-herb-blogging/; https://kalynskitchen.com/weekend-herb-blogging-i-dont-have-dog/ no longer available

4 thoughts on “WHB #87: Strawberry Jam with Mint

  1. katie (Gast)

    Thyme for Cooking
    Ooooh, I love the idea of mint with the strawberries. I have tons of mint but only a few strawberries – but, mint leaves with fresh strawberries sounds pretty good, too!

  2. kalyn (Gast)

    I love mint!
    I really like mint. I have a strip of it along the side of my garden, but it kept growing over into the garden even though I have one of those plastic barriers that you pound down into the ground. so this year I moved my mind into a small area right by my back door. It’s perfect because it’s a triangular shape with the house on one side and a cement sidewalk on the other two sides. Now the mint has to behave itself. That jam looks so wonderful on the toast! (I haven’t had breakfast.) I think mint with strawberries sounds like a great combination.


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