We are going on vacation, so I harvested nearly all of my chervil plant. I looked up in my herb book for a recipe and found this story. The book says that chervil schnaps agrees with cray fish. In Sweden the crayfish season begins in August and it is said, that the Swedes drink for every eaten pincer one glass of kerbel schnaps. You need two hands of chervil leaves and 700 ml vodka. Cover chervil with vodka in a bottle with a wide bottleneck. Seal the bottle and let undisturbed for 7 days.
Strain the chervil vodka into another bottle and fill up with the remaining vodka and enjoy!
But I didn’t use my chervil for vodka, but for a
Chervil soup with crayfish tails
-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.1
Title: Chervil soup with crayfish tails
Categories: Soup
Yield: 4 servings
250 ml Fish stock
250 ml Chicken stock
250 grams Cream
100 ml Vermouth, dry, f.e. Noilly Prat
4 tablesp. Peas
4 tablesp. Chervil, chopped
12 Crayfish tails
Chervil leaves for decoration
============================== SOURCE ==============================
Kräuterkompass, ISBN 3-7742-2719-5 *
— Edited *RK* 03/30/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal
In a saucepan reduce fish stock, chicken stock, cream and vermouth
about one third over medium heat. Season with salt and pepper. Add
peas and chervil and simmer about 3 minutes. Blend until smooth.
Give 3 tails on a plate and add the soup. Garnish with chervil
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Kommentar aus Schweden
Lustig, dieser Kommentar ueber den Kerbelschnaps zum Krebs in Schweden :-)
Im Prinzip stimmt das auch, zu Krebsen fliesst der hochprozentige Alkohol reichlich, allerdings habe ich hier noch nie Kerbelschnaps gesehen :-) Normalerweise handelt es sich um gut gewuerzte Schnaepse, meist ist da Anis und/oder Kuemmel mit dabei. Vielleicht sollte ich ‘mal so einen Kerbelschnaps ansetzen und servieren, wenn wir ein Krebs-Fest haben, kann mir vorstellen, dass das gut passt, danke fuer die Anregung :-)
Viele Gruesse aus Schweden
Love Crayfish
This sounds delicious. Every summer my extended family has a big camping trip. The men and kids go to the lake and catch hundreds of crayfish, and we boil them with seasonings and eat them with melted butter.