WHB#32: Italian Ham and Rocket rolls

For the German event Rucola** I try some new recipes with arugula, rocket, roquette, rugula or rucola and in German: Rauke. I like the peppery tasting of this salad. This recipe recommends Parma ham again, but in the long run it is too expensive, so I chose Prosciutto Italiano.

Italian Ham and Rocket rolls

Italian Ham and Rocket rolls

Absolutely delicious.

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.1

Title: Parma ham and rocket rolls Button German
Categories: Salad
Yield: 1 Serving

50 grams Rocket leaves, 1 ¾ oz
2 slices Parma ham
1 tablesp. Olive oil
1/2 Lemon, juiced
3 Sun-dried tomatoes
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

============================== SOURCE ==============================
Paul Rankin from Ready Steady Cook http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/parmahamrocketrolls_78031.shtml
— Edited *RK* 05/10/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Separate the rocket into two equal bunches.

2. Lay the Parma ham slices flat on a clean surface.

3. Wrap the rocket in the Parma ham.

4. Drizzle over with the oil and lemon juice.

5. To serve lay the wraps across each other in the centre of the
plate. Place the tomatoes around and season to taste.

:Preparation time: less than 30 mins
:Cooking time: no cooking required


more recipes and entries in English

** http://gaertnerblog.de/blog/?p=782 not longer available

1 thoughts on “WHB#32: Italian Ham and Rocket rolls

  1. Karen (Gast)

    I am a fan of jamon iberico de bellota. Bellota means acorn in Spanish, it gives you an idea of the super healthy diet that these free range pigs get … and how they can produce such an amazing product. If you never had it, iberico ham is well known for its sweet and delicious taste. In this case it turns a good recipe into an amazing deli… just try!
    Let me also recommend the jamon iberico from buyjamon.com, they have a good selection of brands, you can buy online and they deliver in a few days.


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