Archiv für den Monat: August 2006


Die Königin der Gemüsekistenmöhren und Bentoboxen fragt nach dem Rezept für die



die Sohn No. 2 gestern in seiner Bento-Box hatte. Da werde ich Ihre königliche Hoheit nicht warten lassen:

Mini carrot muffins 001 Mini carrot muffins 008 Mini carrot muffins 003
Mini carrot muffins 004 Mini carrot muffins 005 Mini carrot muffins 006

========== REZKONV-Rezept – RezkonvSuite v1.2

Titel: Mini-Karottenmuffins Button Englisch
Kategorien: Mini-Muffins
Menge: 22 Stück

97 Gramm Weizenmehl Type 405*
3 Gramm Backpulver*
1/2 Teel. Mischgewürz
100 Gramm Zucker, braun
75 ml Sonnenlumenöl
50 ml Milch, 1,5 % Fett
1 Ei, Größe M, verquirlt
125 Gramm Karotten,geschält und geraspelt

============================ QUELLE ============================
Good Food 2006/09

Good Food Magazin, September 2006, p.39
— Erfasst *RK* 28.08.2006 von
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Den Backofen auf 190 °C /Heißluft 170 °C/Gas 5 vorheizen. 22
Mulden eines 24-er Mini-Muffinblechs fetten oder mit Papierförmchen
auslegen. Mehl, Backpulver, Mischgewürz und Zucker in einer Schüssel
vermischen. Öl, Milch und das verquirlte Ei und anschließend die
geriebenen Karotten zufügen. .

2. 1 gehäuften EL oder mit dem Eisportionierer-20 ml Teig in jede
Mulde füllen. 12 Minuten backen, bis die Muffins aufgegangen sind.
Auf einem Rost abkühlen lassen.

Die Muffins halten sich in einem luftdicht verschlossenen Container
bis zu 5 Tage.

* 100 g Self-raising flour


Mini carrot muffins

Mini carrot muffins

Mini carrot muffins

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.2

Title: Mini carrot muffins Button German
Categories: Muffins
Yield: 18 Servings

100 grams Self-raising flour, 4 oz *
1/2 teasp. Ground mixed spice
100 grams Golden caster sugar, 4 oz
75 ml Sunflower oil, 2 1/2 fl oz
50 ml Skimmed milk, 2 fl oz
1 Egg, size M, lightly beaten
125 grams Carrots, peeled and grated, 5 oz

============================ SOURCE ============================
Good Food 2006/09

Good Food Magazin, September 2006, p.39
— Edited *RK* 08/25/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Heat oven to 190 °C /fan 170 °C/gas 5. Line 2 mini muffin trays
with 18 muffin cases. Put the flour, mixed spice and sugar into a
bowl. Add the oil, milk and egg, then the carrots. Stir to combine.

2. Put a heaped tsp of the mixture into each muffin case, then bake
for 12 mins until risen. Cool. Will keep for up to 5 days in an
airtight container.
:PER SERVING 82 kcalories, protein 1 g, carbohydrate 11 g, fat 4g,
saturated fat 2g, fibre none, sugar 7g, salt 0.07g
:PREP 10 mins
:COOK 12 mins

* 97 grams wheat flour Type 405 and 3 gram baking powder


more recipes and entries in English

Weekend Breakfast Blogging #4: Summer Porridge

Normally we have buns or rolls for breakfast. I am the only one in the family who loves porridge. But I had some leftovers from a fruit salad and decided to make a kind of porridge and modified the recipe below. I renamed it „Müsli“ and the boys eat it!

Summer Porridge

Summer porridge

Because this dish is unusual in our family I am sending this one off to Nandita’s Weekend Breakfast Blogging that is being hosted this time by Pavani of Cook’s Hideout.

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.2

Title: Summer porridge
Categories: Breakfast
Yield: 2 Servings

150 ml Skimmed milk, 1/4 pt
100 grams Porridge oats, 4 oz
1 Apple
Handful fresh raspberries
1 Apricot, chopped
Handful blueberries
1 teasp. Each sunflower seeds and sesame seeds
Natural yogurt, to serve

============================ SOURCE ============================
Good Food Magazine June 2006

Good Food Magazine, June 2006, p. 117
— Edited *RK* 08/29/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Put the milk and porridge oats into a non-metallic bowl, cover
and leave to soak overnight.

2. In the morning, grate the apple and stir into the porridge. Stir
in the fruit and the seeds and serve with a dollop of natur yogurt.

:PER SERVING 290 kcalories, protein 13g, carbohydrate 48g, fat 6g,
saturated fat 1g, fibre 8g, added sugar 15g, salt 0.10g
:Easily doubled
:PREP 5 mins
:Superhealthy, high in fibre, low fat counts as 1 of 5-a-day
:MAKE IT DIFFERENT: As well as varying the oats and serving then the
microwave on High for 2 mins, give it a stir, leave to stand for 1
min, than heat again for 1 min. Stir in the grated apple to sweeten
along with the rest of the fruit and seeds for serving.


more recipes and entries in English