I chose asparagus as the featured salad ingredient for the Good Friends Good Food group and prepared an
Asparagus Salad With Hard-Boiled Eggs

It’s Asparagus Season in Germany! We Germans are fond of white asparagus, but only old varieties like Huchels alpha or Schwetzinger Meisterschuß have still the real “asparagus flavour”. They are hard to find and … expensive. I prefer the green asparagus, it needs no foil or mounds and it is easier to cut. For the white asparagus workers from other countries go out every morning before sunup and pick asparagus by digging a small hole in the mound, sticking a sharp knife into the dirt, aiming for the base of the shoot, carefully pulling out the shoot and filling in the hole with sand using a trowel. Green asparagus is so much easier to harvest.
Dont’t miss the entries from Donna, Ellen, Kayte, Margaret, Nancy and Peggy
Asparagus Salad With Hard-Boiled EggsYield: 2 servings as a main course A classic Italian salad topped with shaved Parmesan Ingredients
total time: 20 minutes |
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This looks good! I learned a bit about asparagus reading your harvest notes. It is one of my favorite green vegetables.
This does look tasty. I love fresh asparagus and really want to find a good salad for it. This may be it (but not for GFGF). I never knew white asparagus was so difficult to harvest.
Simple, pretty, and looks delicious. I love the combination of these flavors and will try this one, thank you. I prefer green asparagus as well.