Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater

Returning from a short vacation the larder offered me some lemons and potatoes. We were hungry and the recipe for baked lemon potatoes from Real Good Food: The Essential Nigel Slater * came just right. While the potatoes were baking

©Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater (2)

I emptied the suitcases and did a laundry load. I served the potatos with a few tomato slices. A light and simple supper.

Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater

YIELD: serves 3

©Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater (1)

A super light and delicious recipe for Baked Lemon Potatoes


  • 600 grams potatoes, thinly sliced
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 small bay leaves
  • 1 1/2 lemons, the juice
  • salt
  • pepper, freshly ground


978-1857023701 *

modified by from:
Real Good Food: The Essential Nigel Slater *
ISBN 978-1857023701


  1. Place potatoes in an ovenproof dish. Squasch the garlic clove and add it whole. Pour over the olive oil and lemon juice, and add the bay leaves. Add a generous grinding of black pepper and salt.
  2. Bakce at 200 °C/400 °F for about an hour or until soft and slightly crisp on top. Strir once or twice during cooking.

total time: 1 h 10 minutes
preparation time: 5 minutes
cooking/baking time 60 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon


For all other great Zest it up! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site

more Nigel Slater recipes

6 thoughts on “Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater

  1. Kim

    I love those dishes you can make with simple pantry ingredients. So much fun to see what you can create. In this case you made a lovely and comforting potato dish. Filling and satisfying with the refreshing twist of lemon. Gorgeous!


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