Bread Baking Buddy: Poîlane-style Miche

BBBJune08 Miche_Logo
The Bread Baking Babes stroke again: A Fridge Full of Food (Glenna), Bake My Day (Karen), Cookie Baker Lynn (Lynn), I Like to Cook (Sara), Lucullian Delights (Ilva), My Kitchen in Half Cups (Tanna), Grain Doe (Gorel), Notitie van Lien (Lien), and the kitchen of the month: What Did You Eat (Sher) baked the Poilane Style Miche from Peter Reinhart’s classic cookbook The Bread Baker’s Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread*.

Poîlane-style Miche Miche 001I was a recipe tester for one of his books and sometimes I found his recipes a bit aborious and long-wided. So I began with my own starter no named but „he“ because the gender is male in German. I have this starter for a long time and I am not fond of large starter amounts in the fridge. I keep my starter (about 70 grams ) in this glass and I used 30 grams of it to feed „him“ up with 90 grams water and 90 grams Weizenmehl 550 on Monday to begin with the firm starter yesterday.

It is said that Reinhart used sifted medium ground whole wheat flour, that reminds me of clear flour which has a higher protein content than our German sifted whole wheat flour would have, so I „pimped up“ my whole wheat flour with 20 % Manitoba flour and followed the recipe.

Poîlane-style Miche 002 Poîlane-style Miche 003 Poîlane-style Miche 004
Poîlane-style Miche 005 Poîlane-style Miche 006 Poîlane-style Miche 007

Although my flour was stronger than normal German whole wheat, I used a banneton. It’s just in the oven now !

Poîlane-style Miche

Poîlane-style Miche 008

16:10: What a huge bread, about 2 kilograms! I can’t wait to get my first slice …

Poîlane-style Miche 009

18:30: Great just buttered as a „Butterbrot“, delicious!

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

more recipes and entries in English

8 thoughts on “Bread Baking Buddy: Poîlane-style Miche

  1. arfi at

    That looks spongey, Ulrike! And that mould, oh how I’d love to get one of those! I bake sourdough bread a lot but only use ordinary cake tins :( However, yours look really tempting! I’d like to just slice it hehehe


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