Bread Baking Day #6: 4-strand Poppy Seed Plait

BreadBakingDay #6
Eva from Sweet Sins hosts the 6th round of bread baking day. Her challenging theme: shaped breads. I am not very talented in shaping “pretty” breads like Petra aka Cascabel or Breadchick 16.02.2025 **. And my three gentlemen are very picky with the size and the appearance of their bread slices. But I take up the challenge and participate with a 4 strand plait, instead of 3. It was easier than I thought, but I have to work on the technique to get a more even shape.

©Mohnzopf 010

©Mohnzopf mit 6 Strängen 006

©Mohnzopf 009

©Mohnzopf 006

©Mohnzopf 005

©Mohnzopf 004

©Mohnzopf 003

©Mohnzopf 002

©Mohnzopf 001


-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4 Mohnzopf aus 6 Strängen
Title: 4-strand Poppy Seed Plait
Categories: Baking, Bread, Yeast
Yield: 1 Recipe

4-strand Poppy Seed Plait


500 grams   Wheat flour Type 550
1 teasp.   Salt
300 ml   Milk
40 grams   Butter
1 pack   Dried yeast
1 teasp.   Sugar
2 tablesp.   Poppy seed, white
      Poppy seeds, white
1     Egg yolk, beaten


978-3980005838* Jutta Kürtz
Das Brotbackbuch*
Verlag Wolfgang Hölker 1975
ISBN 978-3980005838
  Edited *RK* 01/15/2008 by
  Ulrike Westphal


Prepare a soft dough from all ingredients, let rise for 1 hour.

Turn the risen dough on to a floured board, punch to deflate the air bubbles and knead gently for 1-2 minutes. Divide the dough into 4equal pieces and roll each one into a sausage shape.

Plait the 4 pieces over each other, and turn the ends under.

Place the plait on a the prepared baking sheet and leave to prove in a warm place until doubled in volume.

Brush with the beaten egg, sprinkle with poppy seeds and bake in a preheated oven, 200°C for 40 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.


*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

more recipes and entries in English

** 16.02.2025 no longer available

7 thoughts on “Bread Baking Day #6: 4-strand Poppy Seed Plait

  1. Boaz (Gast)

    Beautiful braid. I love braiding dough (especially for challah). I often find that the trickiest part is getting a braid that is plump in the middle and tapered on the edges. Your challah is gorgeous.


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