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Das Rezept dieser Woche hat Amy von South in Your Mouth von Seite 361-363 aus Baking: From My Home to Yours * ausgewählt: Blueberry Pie.
Ich habe erst einmal einen herzhaften Pie mit Teigund Decke gebacken. Das Mürbeteigrezept von Gary Rhodes verwendet zu gleichen Teilen Schmalz und Butter, bei Dorie Greenspan sind nur knapp 20 % des verwendeten Fettes Backfett, ich habe Schmalz genommen.
Der Geschmack vom
Blaubeeren Pie
war gut, das leichte Aroma der Zitronenverbene hat mir gut gefallen. Allerdings bin ich mit dem Ergebnis nicht 100 % zufrieden. Der Teigdeckel war buttrig und blättrig, der Boden jedoch völlig durchweicht. Ich habe den Pie nach dem Füllen noch eine halbe Stunde in den Kühlschrank gestellt und etwa 50 g zerkrümelte Amarettini auf den Teigboden gestreut. Die Füllung war nach der empfohlenen Abkühlzeit von einer halben Stunde noch flüssig und verfestigte sich auch nicht, nachdem der Pie vollständig abgekühlt war. Ob es an dem Rezept lag, vermag ich nicht zu sagen, am Backtag war es trotz bedeckten Himmels sehr warm.
========== | REZKONV-Rezept – RezkonvSuite v1.4 |
Titel: | Blaubeeren-Pie |
Kategorien: | Mürbeteig |
Menge: | 1 Rezept |
375 | Gramm | Weizenmehl 405 | |
50 | Gramm | Zucker | |
1 1/2 | Teel. | Salz | |
283 | Gramm | Butter, kalt in EL Größe geschnitten | |
68 | Gramm | Pflanzenfett | |
120 | ml | Eiswasser | |
H | FÜLLUNG | ||
1 | kg | Blaubeeren, Ulrike: 750 g | |
200 | Gramm | Zucker, evt. mehr je nach Geschmack, Ulrike: 150 | |
— g | |||
65 | Gramm | Weizenmehl | |
1 | Prise | Salz | |
1/2 | Zitrone, die Schale gerieben und den Saft | ||
30 | Gramm | Paniermehl, Löffelbiskuits oder Amarettini, | |
— zerbröselt | |||
1 | Ei | ||
1 | Essl. | Wasser | |
Puderzucker | |||
1 | Essl. | Zitronenverbene, gehackt | |
Oder | |||
1 | Essl. | Minze, gehackt |
![]() |
Dorie Greenspan Baking: From My Home to Yours * p. 250, ISBN 978-0-618-44336-9 |
Erfasst *RK* 30.06.2008 von | |
Ulrike Westphal |
Aus den Zutaten für den Teig einen Mürbeteig herstellen und mindestens 30 Minuten kühl stellen.
Backofen auf 220 °C vorheizen.
Die Beeren mit dem Zucker, Mehl, Salz und Zesten vermischen und 5 Minuten stehen lassen.
Den Teig auf eine Dicke von 3 mm ausrollen, in die Pie-Form füllen und den Deckel zwischen Klarsichtfolie im Kühlschrank gut kühlen.
Auf den Boden des Pies die Krümel verteilen, die Beerenmischung noch einmal umrühren und auf den Pie-Boden geben.
In die Decke 4 Schlitze und in der Mitte einen Kreis ausstechen. Wer Zeit hat, gibt das ganze noch für 30 Minuten in den Kühlschrank. Den Teig mit der Eiermischung bestreichen und mit dem Zucker bestreuen.
Den Pie für 30 Minuten bei 220 °C und anschließend noch weitere 30 Minuten bei 190 °C backen, bis die Kruste goldbraun ist. Sollte die Kruste zu schnell bräunen, mit Aluminiumfolie abdecken.
Vor dem Servieren den Kuchen mindestens 30 Minuten abkühlen lassen.
*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon
aussehen tut sie doch prächtig und wenn die Frucht aus dem Kuchen quillt schmeckt das sicher besser als wenn die Beeren zu trockener Paste eingedickt wären.
I think sometimes frozen berries give off more juice than fresh ones. Perhaps more thickener next time?
I prefer using potato starch to thicken pie fillings. It gives less of a starchy taste and you only need about half as much by volume.
Glad you tried it! You’re going to be the local expert on American desserts.
Di’s Kitchen Notebook
I’m sorry that the pie didn’t turn out quite the way you hoped it would. I like your new pie dish. =)
Your Pie Looks Yummy!
your pie looks delicious. how neat that you have your own blueberries!
sorry you weren’t totally happy with the result, but it looks great and i’m glad the flavor was good! the lemon verbena sounds yummy :) love your new pie dish!
I love it!
I am sorry you weren’t happy with it, because that filling looks amazing! So full and juicy! And I can’t believe that you are growing your own blueberries! That is fantastic!
Beautiful pie… beautiful pictures!
…and it wont even be hard to remember “blaubeeren”!!! LOL
Vibi ask your German speaking dude about the difference between Blaubeeren und Heidelbeeren :-)
Your pie looks lovely! I adore your pie dish!! You may not do a lot of sweet pies in Germany but you are no slouches when it comes to baking delicious pastries and sweets! I have many fond memories of all the goodies I was able to munch on each time we have visited the Black Forest!
Your garden is lovely and fresh, homegrown fruit, wow! My filling was super runny, too (Even if it was tasty!) Next time, right!
Sorry you weren’t 100 percent happy, but it sure looks good to me!:)
I love the use of lemon verbena, and currants sound like a wonderful variation.
I have several blueberry bushes, but the birds always eat them! I’m sorry your pie did not turn out as you liked. Did you bake it in the lower part of the oven? That helps cook the bottom crust quickly, and keeps it from getting soggy.
I think your pie looks great! I have blueberry bushes, too, and I had a good crop going and would have picked them in a few days but the birds got them yesterday so I’ll have to wait until next year.
Blackcurrant Pie
Not much left …
Blueberry Pie
Berry pies are by nature a little juicy. It looks great, just waiting for a little vanilla ice cream.
Great job and nice new pie dish – Emile Henri?
looks yummy
love that you have your own plants to add to the pie…eventually you will have some berries!! great job!
Looks wonderful!
Bet your currant one will be just delicious. I didn’t know there aren’t German pies. Interesting! And someday your blueberry bush will be overflowing with delicious fruit. Yum!
My pie was a little runny when I cut it, but the next day it was much firmer. Beautiful pie and I think your crust looks perfect!
Good Thinking!
Good idea to add the verbena. I just love using herbs anytime I get a chance!
Your filling is just perfect, dark and beautiful! I think this pie benefits from frozen berries. Either way yours looks great!
Sorry it was a little runny. It looks beautiful, though.
Awesome! Glad to see that frozen blueberries worked for you. I’ll try that during the off-season. Thanks for sharing – and thanks for translating your blog !
Despite your oozing filling, I still think your pie looks great. I agree with you on the filling though, but the crust is amazing!!
Oh my ! You’ve got a young blueberry bush. How lovely! Your pie looks wonderful, have fun with your new pan.
I’ve also struggled w. a soggy bottom crust…try baking on the lowest rack in the oven. i did that for this recipe and the bottom baked beautifully. i’m glad that you’re going to give it another try!
Blueberry Pie
I liked the lemon verbena, too. Your pie looks wonderful.
Ganz schon. Ich habe daran nie gedacht, dass ich keine “pie” in Deutschland gefunden(?) habe. Moehn kuchen, veilleicht, aber kein “pie.”
Vielleicht ein bisschen maisstaerke oder tapioca am naechsten mal?
Oh your pie plate to die for, wherever did you find it!?! I think your pie looks great, btw, not too juicy at all; but I like my pies juicy!
Looks Great
Runny filling or not, that slice of pie looks really appealing!
Looks good
While I don’t understand most of what you wrote, though I can figure some things out, I don’t need to to see that your pie look good! Lots of filling is perfect for blueberry pie.
So sorry it didn’t work out completely for you! The first time I made this crust it was a mess for me too – the heat of the kitchen definitely made a difference. Better luck next time!
Someday you’ll have blueberries, lucky you! I was wishing I could get my hands on lemon verbena for this pie, but no such luck!
also found that my crust didn’t respond well to heat – too bad, because this is a classic summer dessert. Your pie is very nice-looking, though!