Judy of Judy’s Gross Eats chose this week Marshmallows on page 404-405 from Dorie’s book*.
It was mere coincidence, that on German TV a show dealed with Marshmallows. In Germany you have Marshmallows and Mäusespeck – mice bacon, a firmer mice shaped marshmallow 21.09.2018 **. The concistency of marshmallows are more airy and fluffy than the firmer Mäusespeck, which contains eggwhites. And Dories recipe uses 3 large egg whites. I like the idea of homemade marshmallows, but I don’t care for Mäusespeck. So this week I become unfaithful and used an 07.06.2024 **, which I have bookmarked a long time ago.
Please forgive me, I know I am a bad girl, but I’ll do better next time.
Not Dorie’s Homemade Marshmallows
Thanks Judy, without your choice I wouldn’t have tried to make marshmallows at home. For Dorie’s mashmallows and the recipe in English visit the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.
more recipes and entries in English
more Tuesdays with Dorie at Küchenlatein (click)
** 21.09.2018 http://www.ciao.de/Haribo_Susse_Mause__Test_8305839 nicht mehr verfügbar.
** 07.06.2024 www.cookingforengineers.com/recipe/106/Marshmallows as of 2008 available in Web archive