Not Dorie’s Homemade Marshmallows

Judy of Judy’s Gross Eats chose this week Marshmallows on page 404-405 from Dorie’s book*.

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It was mere coincidence, that on German TV a show dealed with Marshmallows. In Germany you have Marshmallows and Mäusespeck – mice bacon, a firmer mice shaped marshmallow 21.09.2018 **. The concistency of marshmallows are more airy and fluffy than the firmer Mäusespeck, which contains eggwhites. And Dories recipe uses 3 large egg whites. I like the idea of homemade marshmallows, but I don’t care for Mäusespeck. So this week I become unfaithful and used an 07.06.2024 **, which I have bookmarked a long time ago.

Please forgive me, I know I am a bad girl, but I’ll do better next time.

Not Dorie’s Homemade Marshmallows

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Thanks Judy, without your choice I wouldn’t have tried to make marshmallows at home. For Dorie’s mashmallows and the recipe in English visit the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

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more recipes and entries in English

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more Tuesdays with Dorie at Küchenlatein (click)

** 21.09.2018 nicht mehr verfügbar.
** 07.06.2024 as of 2008 available in Web archive

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