Schwarzbrot with liverwurst and gherkin

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Schwarzbrot with liverwurst and gherkins

Schwarzbrot with liverwurst and gherkins

I prefer this kind of liverwurst

from Pfeifer.

The gerkins are delicous from Gut Lindau.


And here’s the recipe for the bread:

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v0.98.4

Title: German Schwarzbrot Button German
Categories: Brot
Yield: 1 Recipe


For 1 Pan with lid (Pullman-Pan) 25 x 12 x 9,5
— cm,
Capacity 2,4 l suitable for about 1230 g
— rye-dough:

============================== STARTER ==============================
235 grams Sourdough starter (rye sourdough 50 % rye, 50 %
— water)
194 grams Coarsely ground rye (rye meal)
147 grams Water

========================== BREAD-DOUGH ==========================
353 grams Fine ground rye
15 grams Salt
250 grams Water
1 teasp. Bread spice, a mixture of ground caraway,
— coriander , fennel and/or anis

============================== SOURCE ==============================
Brotrezepte aus ländlichen Backstuben
ISBN 3-78420164 X
translated *RK* 28.02.2004 von
Ulrike Westphal

Starter : The day befor baking: Mix the ripe sourdough with water
and coarsely ground rye in a bowl ,cover and let ferment for at
least 18 h at room temperature.

Dough: baking day: Mix all ingredients for the bread-dough with the
whole starter for 30 minutes with the dough paddle (not the hooks).
The dough will get lighter and looks like thick batter. Let rest for
20 minutes.

Put the sticky dough with wet hands into the pullman pan and and
smooth the surface. Before you close the lid, poke a few 1/2 cm deep
holes in the top of the dough with a serving fork or skewer. Close
the lid and proof the dough for 3 to 4 hours at room temperature.

Heat the oven to 140 ° C (284 °F) and bake the bread with the closed
lid for 4 hours. Remove the bread from pan and wrap into a linen
cloth and cool on a rack. After cooling you put it (wrapped in a
bread-box (I have one of stoneware, but Tupperware will do) and wait
for two days. Then slice it very thin and enjoy it.


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