That’s my fridge

Cate from Sweetnicks has come up with a blogging event : I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours. Food bloggers show what’s in their refrigerator.

Last year you could have a look into my kitchen and see what’s on the counter and in one closet.

My fridge:


I just came from shopping and popped all the things into the fridge:

That's my fridge 2006

On the top shelf you find two kinds of wheat sourdough (whole wheat and bread flour) 2 kinds of mustard, herb cream cheese and some fresh yeast.
The next shelf has low fat yoghurt, coffee cream, soya cream, rye sourdough and in tupper ware some fried ground meat. The shelf underneath contains my shopping goods, cheese – for me, salami, chasseur sausage and liver sausage resp. liverwurst for my gentlemen.
The next shelf has bratwurst – again for my gentlemen, low fat margarine (for me) and left-over pilaw.
Than we have lettuce, more cheese, salami and tofu.

That's my fridge Door 2006

The door has eggs and a conglomeration of sauces and ketchup and tomatoe puree. The brown bag contains fresh ginger.

Three things that are ALWAYS in my fridge:

1. Sourdough :-), rye and wheat
2. eggs
3. cheese

And three things that are NEVER in my fridge:

1. bread
2. pet food
3. seven-up

And now I have to unwrap my shopping goods.

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