Vegetable Jalfrezi

Vegetable Jalfrezi

Vegetable Jalfrezi 001

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Vegetable Jalfrezi vegetable Jalfrezi deutsch
Categories: Vegetarian
Yield: 8 Servings

Vegetable Jalfrezi 002


1 medium   Onion
1     Fresh red chilli
1     Thumb-sized piece of fresh root ginger
2 cloves   Of garlic
1 small   Bunch of fresh coriander
2     Red peppers
1     Cauliflower
3     Ripe tomatoes
1 small   Butternut squash
1 x   400g tin of chickpeas
      Groundnut or vegetable oil
1     Knob of butter
1/2     283 g jar of Patak’s jalfrezi curry paste
1 x   400g tin of chopped tomatoes
4 tablesp.   Balsamic vinegar
      Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2     Lemons
200 grams   Natural yoghurt


  GoodFood Magazine, February 2009
  Edited *RK* 01/22/2009 by
  Ulrike Westphal


To prepare your curry
· Peel, halve and roughly chop your onion
· Finely slice the chilli
· Peel and finely slice the ginger and garlic
· Pick the coriander leaves and finely chop the stalks
· Halve, deseed and roughly chop the peppers
· Break the green leaves off the cauliflower and discard
· Break the cauliflower into florets and roughly chop the stem
· Quarter the tomatoes
· Carefully halve the butternut squash, then scoop out the seeds with a spoon and discard
· Slice the squash into inch-size wedges, leaving the peel on but removing any thick skin, then roughly chop into smaller pieces
· Drain the chickpeas

To cook your curry
· Put a large casserole-type pan on a medium to high heat and add a couple of lugs of oil and the butter
· Add the onions, chilli, ginger, garlic and coriander stalks and cook for 10 minutes, until softened and golden
· Add the peppers, butternut squash, drained chickpeas and jalfrezi curry paste
· Stir well to coat everything with the paste
· Add the cauliflower, the fresh and tinned tomatoes and the vinegar
· Fill one empty tins with water, pour into the pan and stir again
· Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for 45 minutes with the lid on
· Check the curry after 30 minutes and, if it still looks liquidy, leave the lid off for the rest of the cooking time.
· Check the curry regularly to make sure it’s not drying
· When the veg are tender, taste and add salt and pepper – please season carefully – and a squeeze of lemon juice

To serve your vegetable Jalfrezi/curry: Delicious with poppadums or my fluffy rice recipe and with a few spoonfuls of natural yoghurt, a sprinkle of coriander leaves and a few lemon wedges for squeezing over.

Jamie Oliver


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