WHB #35: Fruity fragrant rice with curry plant

This week Kalyn’s Weekend Herb Blogging is coming home. Kalyn is doing the recap again.

This year I grow most of my herbs in pots in a kind of rockery to protect them from slugs and snails and until now I am successfull.

Currystrauch 001

Last week I found a new plant, it’s the one on the right side, directly in the soil.

Currystrauch 003

It is a curry plant. The leaves smell like curry. You cook the sprigs with your dish and remove them before serving. It is said that people who prefer the asian cuisine should grow it. So I try and prepared

Fruity fragrant rice

Fruity fragrant rice

I forgot to add the saffron, but also without it: delicious.

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.1

Title: Fruity fragrant rice Button German
Categories: Side dish
Yield: 4 Servings

1 tablesp. Oil
1 Onion, finely chopped
200 grams Basmati rice
200 ml Chicken stock
4 Prunes, finely chopped
4 Apricots, dried, finely chopped
2 tablesp. Currants
2 sprigs Curry plant=Helichrysum italicum
4 tablesp. Butter
1 pinch Saffron

============================== SOURCE ==============================

Kräuterkompass, ISBN 3-7742-2719-5 *
— Edited *RK* 05/29/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal @ Küchenlatein

Heat oil and braise onions until golden. Add rice and mix well. Add
stock and water. After that add prunes, apricots, currants and curry
plant sprigs and bring to a boil. Cover and let soak abour 25
minutes. Remove sprigs and stir in the butter. Season with salt,
pepper and saffron.

Enjoy with grilled chicken thighs.


*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

more recipes and entries in English

7 thoughts on “WHB #35: Fruity fragrant rice with curry plant

  1. k (Gast)

    Lovely garden
    Your garden looks lovely. The rocks could also help prevent weeds, which my garden has an abundance of this year because of all the rain here. I’ve never seen this herb or tasted it, although I’ve heard about it. It does sound like something I’d like the flavor of so I’ll have to look for it.

  2. Petra (Gast)

    Bleibt der Geschmack beim Kochen halbwegs? Mir hat mal jemand gesagt, daß es kaum würzt und nur frisch so gut riecht. Ich habe es in der Kräuterspirale aber bisher nur zur Deko verwendet und noch nicht mitgekocht.

  3. ostwestwind

    Ich hatte mir auch mehr davon versprochen, aber wir sind auch ein wenig – bedingt durch das Wetter – verschnupft. Die Frau, die mir das Kraut verkauft hat, hat gesagt, man müssse das wieder entfernen, weil die Reste sonst bitter schmecken. Ich hattte das noch nie und experimentiere weiter !

  4. Véronique (Gast)

    Curryblätter und Currypflanze
    Hallo Petra und Ulrike,
    In einigen indischen Curries kommen Curryblätter vor: Sie riechen nicht nach Currypulver, und sehen ein bisschen wie Lorbeerblätter aus und die Pflanze heisst Murraya koenigii. Getrocknet riechen die Blätter nach fast nichts mehr.
    Die Currypflanze, die Ulrike benutzt, kommt aus Europa, heisst Helichrysum italicum und riecht ein bisschen nach Curry. Man kann sie für die mediterran angehauchte Küch verwenden.

  5. ejm (Gast)

    re: curry plant
    I’ve always been rather disappointed in the flavour of that particular curry plant (Helichrysum italicum). It is lovely though and does have an intriguing scent reminiscent of curry!

    The curry plant that is used so much in Asian cookery is Curry Leaf (Murraya koenigii). And its flavour is quite remarkable. I don’t quite know how to describe it, except that it is slightly earthy, very fragrant. My husband says „green toasty“


    I have tried growing a curry leaf plant in a pot but the one I had had tiny tiny leaves and did not do well at all under my black thumbs.

    When we want to use them in Thai or Indian curries, we buy curry leaves in the Indian Grocery store. They are generally in plastic bags in the refrigerator section.


  6. kalyn (Gast)

    I got one!
    Hey I came back to tell you I was at the garden store yesterday getting some seeds and I got one of these plants. can’t wait to try something with it. So you have inspired me.


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