WHB #86: Cucumber salad with dill


This week it’s my privilege to be the host of the 86th edition of Weekend Herb Blogging 27.04.2021 **. Kalyn from Kalyn’s Kitchen created this great event, because she didn’t have a cat or a dog ;-). Since 86 weeks foodbloggers can learn interesting details about fruit, herbs or vegetables and how to use them in the kitchen. And: I’ve got already two entries!

DillThis herb just shows the seed leaves, this should become dill. I know, it’s very late for dill, but regular WHB readers can guess, what happened. Both, the leaves and the seed are used in the kitchen. The leaves – also called dill weed – are used as a herb and are a must to flavour sea fish. In Northern Germany it’s also part of a sweet yoghurt dressing to accompany (head) lettuce or cucumber.

Mix 150 ml yoghurt, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, lots of dill and sugar or honey together until you get a sweet and light sour taste. Serve with deseeded cucumber slices.

Cucumber salad with dill 004


more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021 https://kalynskitchen.com/whos-hosting-weekend-herb-blogging/; https://kalynskitchen.com/weekend-herb-blogging-i-dont-have-dog/ no longer available

11 thoughts on “WHB #86: Cucumber salad with dill

  1. kalyn (Gast)

    I love Dill Weed
    Hi Ulrike,
    I still don’t have a dog or a cat, but I sure do have a lot of herbs. Alas, no dill. My dill didn’t come up this year because of the cold winter here. Maybe it’s not too late to find a plant, I will check. I love dill weed and use it a lot to make a kind of dip for vegetables. It’s also essential in Ranch Dressing which is big in the U.S. I will have to try this recipe. I’m going to the store today and will get some yogurt.

  2. katie (Gast)

    Thyme for Cooking
    My dill is just peaking through and the cucumbers were planted on Saturday. I’m guessing I have about 6 weeks before my first cucumber salad….but then there will be one in the fridge for the rest of the summer. One of my favorite summer salads and made very like yours ;-)

  3. johanna (Gast)

    es gibt eigentlich kaum etwas sommerlicheres als gurkensalat mit dillkraut… mmhh. wenn nur das wetter mitspielen wuerde, dann wuerd ich mir das auch machen. aber mir ist momentan mehr nach risotto und das schmeckt weder mit gurken noch mit dill ;-)

  4. astrid at www.paulchens.org

    Dille ist eines der wenigen Kräutlein, das irgendwie bei mir nie richtig wachsen will.
    Gurkensalat mit Dill gabs bei uns zuhause uahc sehr oft im sommer.

  5. Balu (www.b-a-l-u.de/blog/

    Spezielles Dill-Aussaat-Vlies, schneckensicher?

    Dill fehlt noch in meinem Balkon-Kräutergarten. Hast Du da mehr Infos drüber?


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