Broad beans and Spanish ham for I♥CC

This week the I heart Cooking Clubs is looking for dishes with with a Mediterranean flair or ingredient.

It is summer and the offer of seasonal vegetables at the weekly market is exploding. Except on Sunday there is every day a weekly market anywhere in Kiel.

©Wochenmarkt Blücherplatz

I bought some broad beans

©Dicke Bohnen

and with Spanish Ham and Spanish Olive Oil

©Spanish Ham and Olive Oil

these wonderful beans went Mediterranean

Broad beans and Spanish ham

©Broad Beans and Spanish Ham (2)

Broad beans and Spanish ham

YIELD: serves two as a part of lunch

©Broad Beans and Spanish Ham (1)

A recipe from Nigel Slater for broad beans and Spanish ham


  • 500 grams broad beans in their pods, about 125 grams podded and skinned
  • 50 grams Spanish ham, thinly sliced


  • 1/2 tablespoon sherry vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1,5 tablespoons olive oil, I used Spanish
  • 1 tablespoon parlsey leaves, chopped
  • 1 small pinch salt
  • a few grinds of pepper


978-0007248490 *

modified by from
Nigel Slater
Tender Vol. I *
ISBN: 978-0007248490


  1. While you pod the beans bring a pan of water to the boil. Very lightly salt the water and tipn in the beans. Bring the water back to the boil, then turn down the heat so that they boil merrily for three or four minutes until they ar tender.
  2. Pop the beans from their skins, unless they are very young and the size of a fingernail. Place the pieces of ham, which should be in snippets about twice the size of a large postage stamp, on a serving plate.
  3. Make the dressing by adding salt to the sherry vinegar and letting dissolve. Add a quarter teaspoon of mustard then whisk in the olive oil with a fork. Add the chopped parsley to the dresstin. Lastly add a few grinds of pepper. Toss the beans gently in the dressing and set aside for twenty minutes (they are fine for several hours)
  4. Scatter the beans over the ham and eat.

total time: 50 minutes
preparation time:15 minutes
cook/baking time: 3 – 4 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon


For all other great Mediterranean Magic! Dishes visit the I heart cooking clubs site

more Nigel Slater recipes
more recipes and entries in English

11 thoughts on “Broad beans and Spanish ham for I♥CC

  1. Zosia

    I would love a plate of that for lunch right now, especially since someone else has done all the work with the beans ;)! I remember how shocked I was at the low yield of beans based on the weight of the pods the first time I bought them….I had to run back to the market to buy more to finish the recipe!

  2. Kim

    Oh wow! This looks perfectly delightful! I absolutely love the saltiness of Spanish ham. This certainly looks like something I’d like to sink my teeth into :)

  3. Frauke

    oh da tut es mir doch schon leid dieses jahr keine ausgesäht zu haben, nur mag nur ich sie und eingefroren waren sie nicht so prächtig
    schöne Impressionen vom Blücher
    Grüße von Frauke

  4. Couscous & Consciousness

    I love the beautiful simplicity of this dish – that is what makes it absolutely perfect to me. How lucky to be getting fresh broad beans right now. They are one of my favourite veggies (right up there with asparagus) and I grow them in my garden in the summer. I’m so pleased though that they are one of the few vegetables that are almost as good once they’ve been frozen so I can enjoy them all year round.

  5. Pingback: Rezepte mit Dicken Bohnen |

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