Budget friendly: Nigel Slater Pasta with Hot Butter & Herbs

Budget friendly dishes Nigel Slater
This week the I heart cooking clubs is keeping an eye on the budget… Pasta is always a budget friendly ingredient, I used herbs from my garden and a just dollop of butter. I used the recipe on page 117 from Real Fast Food *, but I reduced the butter from 225 grams for two to 20 grams for one ;-).
I got delicious

Nigel Slater Pasta with Hot Butter & Herbs

Nigel Slater Pasta with Hot Butter & Herbs

for about 0,92 € = 1,25 $ = 0,75 £

Nigel Slater Pasta with Hot Butter & Herbs

Yield: 1 serving

Nigel Slater Pasta with Hot Butter & Herbs (1)

A lovely pasta sauce with butter and herbs including dill, flat-leaf parsley, tarragon and chervil.


  • 125 grams pasta, I used De Cecco Spaghetti No. 12 * for 1,89 €/500 grams
  • 1 small shallot, finely chopped, about 0,17 €
  • 2 tablespoons fresh herbs, I used tarragon, thyme, basil and oregano
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice = 0,2 €
  • 20 grams Butter = 0,08 €


978-0141029504 *

modified by grom
Real Fast Food
ISBN: 978-0141029504


  1. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water. Melt the butter in a pan. Add the onion and cook about a gentle heat for about 5-7 minutes, until the onion has softed.
  2. Whren the pasta ist tender but still firm, drain and tip it into a large warm serving dish. Through the herbs into the butter sauce, add the lemon juice and pour over the cooked pasta

total time: 20 minutes
preparation time:5 minutes
cook time: 10 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon

For all other great Budget Friendly Dishes visit the I heart cooking clubs site
more Nigel Slater recipes
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7 thoughts on “Budget friendly: Nigel Slater Pasta with Hot Butter & Herbs

  1. Deb in Hawaii

    Yes, I find myself usually reducing the butter quite a bit in Nigel’s recipes. ;-) I keep meaning to make this because pasta with butter and herbs is one of my favorite things. Great pick!

  2. Pingback: Rezepte von Nigel Slater | kuechenlatein.com

  3. Pingback: Rezepte mit Estragon - Tarragon - kuechenlatein.com

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