Chunky corn chowder

This week the GFGF-Group is cooking with corn. Where I live the maize is grown for the cattle, from June to September you’ll find sweetcorn on the cob on the markets for the barbecue season. In September 2005 I cooked this chunky corn chowder recipe in English with corn-on-the cob. Otherwise, there it was always just grilled corn on the cob to nibble on. In 2019 I prepared a sweetcorn polenta with aubergine sauce.

In April I a have to use a tin cooking

Chunky corn chowder

Chunky corn chowder

again. Still as delicious as in 2005.

I am very excited what Donna, Ellen, Kayte, Margaret, Nancy and Peggy prepare with corn.

more recipes and entries in English

8 thoughts on “Chunky corn chowder

  1. Barbara

    Bei uns gab’s vor ein paar Tagen eine Broccoli-Mais-Suppe, die mich eben an Dein Exemplar erinnert hat. Corn Chowder ist zwar was anderes, aber mit der Einlage hat das echt eine Ähnlichkeit.

    Maisfelder sind auch hier in der Region verbreitet. Das rechnet sich wohl, damit kann man ja den billigen Glucose-Fructose-Sirup herstellen, den ich nicht vertrage…

  2. Kayte

    Corn is grown here as you noted in the same way at the same times. I’m not a fan of tinned vegetables in general but for some reason, corn stands up very nicely to tins and freezer bags, so I don’t mind using canned or frozen corn off season. Your chowder looks delicious, I would love to have a bowl of this, especially if you were across the table eating some with me!

  3. Margaret

    We planted corn last year and had a nice crop. Unfortunately our freezer died and we lost the crop. Fortunately fresh sweet corn is available here year round
    This looks tasty.


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