Schlagwort-Archive: Gary Rhodes

Parsnip soup with frothy chestnuts

Parsnip soup with frothy chestnuts

Parsnip soup with frothy chestnuts

-========= REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.3

Title: Parsnip soup with frothy chestnuts Button German
Categories: Soup
Yield: 6 Servings

450 grams Peeled, quartered and any woody centres removed,
— 1 lb parsnips
2-3 Extra parsnips if making parsnip croutons, see
— Gary’s tip, below
1 Onion, finely chopped
500 ml Milk, 18 fl oz
500 ml Vegetable stock, 18 fl oz

==================== FOR THE CHESTNUT CREAM ====================
4-6 tablesp. Chestnut puree (unsweetened)
100 ml Milk, 3 1/2 fl oz
100 ml Single cream, 3 1/2 fl oz
Grated nutmeg
6-8 Cooked chestnuts, chopped (optional)

============================ SOURCE ============================
Good Food Magazin 2006_11

Gary Rhodes
Good Food Magazine, November 2006, p. 126
— Edited *RK* 11/12/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

1. Put the quartered parsnips and onion in a saucepan with the milk
and vegetable stock. Bring to a simmer, then cook gently for 20-25
mins until parsnips are tender. Blend in a liquidiser until
completely smooth. Season with salt and ground white pepper. Can be
frozen for up to 1 month. If making croutons, do so now while the
soup simmers.

2. For the chestnut cream, warm together the chestnut puree, milk
and single cream, then season with salt, pepper and a pinch of
grated nutmeg. Blitz the chestnut cream with a hand blender for a
frothy finish.


3. Ladle soup into bowls set on plates, scatter chopped chestnuts
over the top, then finish with frothy chestnut cream. Arrange a pile
of parsnip croutons on each plate and serve.

• For ‚designer‘ parsnip croutons, cut off long, thin slices of
parsnip using a mandolin or swivel vegetable peeler. Fry in a little
hot vegetable oil for a few mins until golden, drain on kitchen
paper and sprinkle with salt They will crisp up as they cool.

:PER SERVING 149 kcalories, protein 6g, carbohydrate 19g fat 6g
saturated fat 3g fibre 4g sugar 11 g salt 0.70g
:PREP 15 mins
:COOK about 30 mins
:Superhealthy, counts as 1 of 5-a-day


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Sesame and ham sprouts

Sesame and ham sprouts

Sesame and ham sprouts - Sesam-Schinken-Rosenkohl

-==== REZKONV-Recipe – RezkonvSuite v1.01

Title: Sesame and ham sprouts
Categories: Winter vegetables
Yield: 4 Servings

100 grams Cooked ham (one 5mm / 1/4 in thick slice should
— be plenty, 4 oz
450 grams Small Brussels sprouts, 1 lb
2 teasp. Sesame seeds
1 tablesp. Sesame oil
Knob of butter

============================== SOURCE ==============================

978-0563522836* Gary Rhodes Cookery Year: Autumn Into Winter *
— Edited *RK* 01/09/2006 by
— Ulrike Westphal

Whenever choosing Brussels sprouts, it is important to buy them as
small and tight-leafed as possible. These signs will indicate their
freshness, and they will thus need less cooking time. The ones you
should steer clear of are the loose-leafed ones, almost like small
fully grown cabbages, or those that are yellowing around the edges.
Bacon and sprouts do eat well together, but for a change I’m
introducing ham. This adds a more subtle bacony touch, with the
roasted sesame seeds enhancing the already nutty flavour of the
sprout. This recipe is easily doubled/trebled in volume for larger
numbers at Christmas.

Cut the slice of ham into 5mm (1/4 in) dice and chill until needed.
To prepare the sprouts, remove any damaged outside leaves, then
halve each sprout. Cook them in a large saucepan of rapidly boiling
salted water for a few minutes until tender, but still with the
slightest of bites. Drain in a colander. While the sprouts are
cooking, heat a non-stick frying pan and add the sesame seeds. Cook
on a medium heat for just a minute or two to roast the seeds to a
golden brown. Remove the seeds from the pan. Add the sesame oil to
the pan, along with the knob of butter, and warm the ham in the
bubbling butter and oil, then add the drained sprouts. Increase the
heat and fry for just 1-2 minutes, then season with salt and pepper.

To finish, add the roasted sesame seeds, and spoon the sprouts into
a vegetable dish.

If the sprouts are particularly small, it is best to leave them
whole, rolling them in the oil, butter and seeds once cooked.

The sprouts can be cooked in advance, refreshed in iced water,
drained and chilled until required. To reheat, either microwave or
plunge them back into boiling water and simmer for a minute before

Chopped hazelnuts or walnuts, with their respective oils, can be
used in place of the sesame seeds.

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